View Full Version : Gallstones!!!!! Oh My God

19-12-07, 11:14
hi all,

i feel like a fraud posting here at the moment as i have been so good for the past year, no panic attacks, not really any health anxiety, been doing really well up until about two weeks ago. My partner started off with the flu, then i got a chest infection so i was on antibiotics, the my youngest son who is six had a really bad cough and then he woke me up in the night and said he couldnt breathe, i spent so many times with him in hospital as a baby as he had astma and had to have nebulisers and inhalers but he grew out of it, i settled him down but i was so close to taking him to hospital in the middle of th night but i didnt, then 3 days later he was no better so i took him to the doctors as he prescribed him and inhaler OMG what a crap mum, i felt awful so he was on the inhaler and off school, then my partner who is still off work with the flu gets something called bursitis in his elbow which is when the fluid around the elbow bursts and then gets infected, but he suffers with problems with his heart so my first thought was pains in the arms and heart, you know where i am going. Then i developed a pain below my rib cage and then it moved so i eventually went to the doctors as i thought i had a water infection, he did a water sample and told me it was clear, told me to get on the bed and then proceeded to tell me that it could be my gall bladder, i, i felt the rush of panic come all over me, he has told me to go for blood tests and has arranged a scan my god my mum had her gall bladder out in july as she had gall stones and my nan had gall stones also but when they opened her up she had cancer of the pancreas also. i have still got the pain and it has moved so i was speaking to my friend who is a GP and she said it could be appendicitis well that was the last straw. i have just freaked. i have googled, i have done everything i shouldnt have done, my friend also said that she would test my water as i was convinced that i still had a water infection but it was clear still. i am terrified of hospitials the thought of them telling me i have got to have an operation is killing me, i keep trying to be rational but its not working. why iam i feeling like this again, why do i feel like i cant cope, i keep thinking its appendicitis, its gall stones, say it ruptured, say i have just strained it , but if i have strained it why hasnt it gone after a week, it is anxiety pains because i have been so stressed out and its mimicking pains, i dont know all i know is that i hate this feeling again, i want to feel like i have done but in feel like i am sinking at the moment.

sorry for moaning but ineeded to get it off my chest

take care


19-12-07, 14:48
hi ruth, i totally sympathise, a few months ago i was recovering from the death of my mother and then i became ill on and off with flu and suspected kidney infection, 3 lots of antibiotics, now i am on my 4th round after developing Helicobacter (i am positive the first 3 lots of antibiotics screwed up my gut) - life is so unfair sometimes just when you think everything is getting better it goes pear shaped again. the WORSE thing to do and i have been doing it for months on Google is to self-diagnose. in the end it was my hubby's cousin who is a doctor who guessed what i had. my GP's are rubbish.

i am trying to stay positive though and hope you will try to do this also. there is nothing like feeling one can't cope any more, but we ALWAYS can ! i live for my hubby and beautiful son, family is everything and they are what makes my world go round. don't forget that it is very easy to get paranoid about ill health when you have anxiety. i hope your tests reveal that is all is fine and then your anxiety will go away. keep smiling : )

19-12-07, 15:56
Hi there ruth

:hugs: not surprised your feeling so bad with all that on your plate. You know us health anxers shouldn't google tut! tut! I know when i google i've totally lost it :blush:
Well done for coping with your son and hubby, i hope they are soon on the mend.
Are you taking antacids? my mum had gall bladder pain for years but never had an op she just found avoiding certain foods eventually stopped hers. I thought you got pain in your shoulder with that too. I'm convinced a lot of ladies around our age are prone these sort of problems, hormones and all that. I never ever had indigestion until i hit the mid thirties!
I would have thought your gp would have ruled out appendicitis by examining you.
I hope your pains ease before you have a scan. Try not to worry (i know, i know!) and concentrate on doing anything you can to ease the pains baths, heat etc. Take it one step at a time, no one has said you need an op.
Look after yourself,
anx xx

20-12-07, 10:32
hi there, thanks for your replies.

at the time the pain was around my rib cage when my own gp examined me and he said gall bladder. only this week the pain has moved to my right hand side and my friend who is a gp said this could be appendicitis, but she didnt examine me, she just tested my water again, she was doing this as a friend.

i am still feeling really down, worried about the pains keep thinking the worst, its kidney stones today, i had colon cancer yesterday, just feel terrible. i wish this would go away, why!!!!!! what have i done to deserve this again

sorry to moan but i dont get any help at home so i have to let off steam on here

take care


geordie flower
20-12-07, 10:43
Hi, Im fairly similar to you. I went to my GP last week because ive been having weird pressure type of feelings on my right side around where my waistband would be its not painful im just aware of something there, she examined me and cudnt feel anything (altho I did flinch adit when she pressed on the bottom of my right rib) but said it could be gallbladder related so shes sending me for a scan but the waiting list is 4-6 weeks! Since i saw her ive been having bloated feelings in my upper abdomen and feeling nauseous, stupidly ive googled and scared myself silly i wish i could stop doing that. I dont know why she said my gallbladder as i have no symptoms of that so now im worried shes fobbing me off, I hate this health anxiety thingy!!! Thanks for listening tracey x

20-12-07, 12:26
Ruth :hugs: :flowers:

Firstly I want to give me old mate a big hug :hugs: you were doing so so well with your health anxiety and this wee blip will not put you back there again hun. I know your worries were always about your heart and I'm sure your climbing the walls with this as we do when we dwell on something but YOU NEVER GOOGLE WOMAN OK :lac: you know I'm here for you anytime you want to chat hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxxxx