View Full Version : Constantly feeling some symptoms?!?

23-02-05, 13:35

I must reassure myself of this.

I constantly feel tired, almost as soon as I have eaten I need to go to the bathroom, my eyes seem to not work properly and I feel as if I have a feeverish type of illness. Hands and legs are shaking somewhat and I'm allways cold.
Is this really normal for "us".

And what's with the constant crying part. When, for instance, I talk to my colleagues about my condition and try to tell them how bad I feel inside, I start to cry (as I do writing this down). This is strange.

I mean, I have had two HUGE attacks who both resulted in the emergency ward and I have had a lot of the small ones (you know, when it feels as if your life is running out of you), but I have a constant feeling with the above symptoms. This is really getting really irritating and I get pissed of that I can't be as I used to be.

I also, just now, sent an e-mail to a therapist specialising in cognitive behavure and hoping she can help as I realised that the psychiatrists I got a referral to will take a looong time before they are free (Regular queues are one year, which is madness).

Anyways I hate this thing and want to get rid of it, as I'm sure you all want. I reaally feel so damn useless. Well, life goes on...

[edit] Bad english

23-02-05, 13:51
hello Flash,

Yes, your symptoms are very normal. My legs and arms feel very shaky sometimes too and it's hard for my eyes to focus properly. People with anxiety are a lot more emotional, which explains the crying..

Sarah :D

23-02-05, 14:04
Hi Flash

Yes, it is normal to have constant symptoms, I used to always feel very shaky, and very cold and shivery, and then sometimes very hot. I know it's not nice but with time, determination and hard work these symptoms will gradually become less acute, trust me.
Take care
Elaine x

By the way I think your English is very good mate !

23-02-05, 14:24

This is getting seriously on my nerves, but, what to do.

I just had a phone call and suddenly everything felt fine. And a few minutes later back to the shaking.

23-02-05, 14:29
Hiya Flash,

These are normal symptoms and Im afraid we cant just get rid of them. It takes time for them to go. I have learned to cope with the physial symptoms by just accepting them for what they are. Just by telling yourself that this is normal will help eventually. You will no doubt wonder how these things can be caused by anxiety, but beleive me.. they are.
It will improve in time.
Emotionally we feel a wreck because of the shock of realising that we have this illness. Comfort yourself by the thought that it is not serious and is only temporary. That usually does the trick for me.
Hope this helps

Jude x

23-02-05, 14:58
**I just had a phone call and suddenly everything felt fine**

Distraction works wonders ... If you're a social person then keep busy with people near by .

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

23-02-05, 15:59
Totally agree with Meg there, last night i felt terrible and didn't move off the sofa for hours just wallowing in self pity and making every symptom to be more than it was. Today I went back to work, first thing felt naff but by the time i got to work and got into things again i felt alot better. Now i'm back home and guess what lol. I also cry a lot, last night again i blubbed like a baby for half hour so rest assured this is all quite common.
Take care

23-02-05, 16:13
My legs are always shaking they dont seem to stop its really the only thing i suffer from the now as for the past 4 weeks ive been feeling great and had no attacks at all im even manging to go to asda and that was a big step.

23-02-05, 17:11
Congratulations Taylor

Feel free to post your update in Successes please.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance