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View Full Version : Throat

19-12-07, 15:50
Hi everyone,
I am new to this site but have a lifetimes experience of chronic health anxiety.
I have read several threads regarding sore throat but wondered if anyone can relate to the following.
I have a sore painful throat which is in the soft pallete area. I have had this before several years ago, it lasted for about two years then went. You would think having experienced it before I would be able to rationalise that it is not serious but sometimes I cannot.
It started the same way both times with me poking at and streching my throat open looking for cancer. Now its just painful all the time. I clench my teeth and subconciously dont swallow. I find my mouth full of saliva and tongue pressed against roof of mouth. It comes and goes but is usually worse in the afternoon. I have seen several Docs and had tests etc. Does this sound familiar to anyone? if so any suggestions. I find if I can explain how the anxiety causes a physical symptom I can deal with it better.

Thanks a lot.

19-12-07, 16:53
Hi Emm,

Yup i get the dreaded throat thing too, i used to get it alot but now it's just every now and again. I also get the feeling that my throat is going to close over because i'm so tense, all my neck muscles feel as if they are strangling me.

Try to become aware of when you are clenching your teeth ect, stop and go onto do some gentle facial excersises, even opening your mouth wide and then closing it several times will start to get the muscles moving again rather than having the in noughts.

good luck with it


19-12-07, 17:45
Thx Lisa,

I never have the throat closing or feel like im stranglrd scenario,it just hurts most of the time like ive burned it or somthing.

Anyway thanks again,

Tony x