View Full Version : Been diagnosed with............

19-12-07, 16:04
............... labyrinthitis

I have been suffering with severe dizziness for over two weeks and finally gave in and went to see gp. Its like no other feeling i've ever had before and i was totally convinced it was not anxiety.
Its caused by a virus that effects your inner ear. I feel contantly sea sick (and am sick sometimes :ohmy: ) Not a happy bunny as apparantly it can take up to 12 weeks to go. Your body has to adjust to it. But it could be worse.

anx xx

19-12-07, 16:06
Hi Anxious,

Well done for getting to the bottom of this.
Hope you start to feel better soon.
Best wishes,

19-12-07, 19:12
Sorry to hear this. At least it's not something too serious. :)

I hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

19-12-07, 20:04
Hope you feel better soon anxious, dizziness is horrible, I used to suffer with it quite a lot so I understand how your feeling. Have some hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
love Mags xxxx

20-12-07, 17:31
Sorry you have been hit with the dizzys :wacko: ,

this has been the bain of my life the past 5 years so completley understand what your going thru.

I wonder if doing any VRT' s could help you ?

This is what i have to do, cos i had this and then developed Bppv ontop of it, You dont want that to happen to you so try to prevent it with VRTS.


20-12-07, 23:40
thank you mirry, that website is a godsend,

anx xx