View Full Version : weak feeling in abdomen

19-12-07, 17:07
Hi all,
Hoping someone can relate to this. I've had anxiety on and off for about 10 years now but recently following a bout of shingles developed a new symptom which feels like I have no strength in my upper tummy which seems to make it difficult for me to breathe, altho I can breathe it feels like i have to hold onto my tummy to support it. It makes me all breathless and then I have to sit down. Im used to feeling the tight knotty feeeling in my tummy which I still have but this extra weak feeling is freaking me out. Anybody recognise what Im talking about? Info appreciated, thank you.

19-02-08, 00:01
Hi, yes I can relate to this, thought I was the only one to have this symptom! Lol.
I first had it when I was agoraphobic for about a year, some 25 yrs ago. I was able to ignore it and it went away
More recently I've been suffering from acute anxiety for past 5 years and this symptom returned last summer when a family matter (still ongoing) arose.
I too hold my tummy, does seem to help, but mostly I find if I try to accept it's there and carry on regardless it goes away eventually. It's basically an unconcious act of constantly tense muscles, the diaphragm, that becomes weak from too much tension. Relax and so will the muscles, the best way I find is to try not think of it!
I think like most symptoms the more we concentrate on them the stronger they feel, but if we can try to accept them and occupy ourselves with other things they do eventually ease. Having said that~ some days the symptoms come back with a bang, those days are hard to deal with and can so easily make us despair. This is perfectly normal, as the body reacts to anxiety/stress over a prolonged time it becomes a habit which takes time to lose.
Hope this helps
Sue x :)