View Full Version : Can you relate to my symptoms?

19-12-07, 18:55
Ive suffered from this for around 5 months now and have returned to work 2 weeks ago and got through which has made me feel good.

Trouble is when all this started i never believed it was anxiety and im still getting the symptoms and i really fear im going to end up back at square one which was bed ridden. Trust me when i say im trying very hard to be positive and talk positively to myself.

Basicall i can be ok 1 min then my mouth will go dry and have an awful metal / blood taste in it which seems to feel like its salivating from my back teeth! i get creeping and trembly in legs and arms and feel disorientated. Also my eyes go very red and dark and skin goes pale / greeny!

This does not go away by eating or anything even exercising seems to make it worse.

I just live in fear of finding iafter 5 months of real hard work im not fighting anxiety and its been something else all along.

If you can relate to this or can offer advise please let me know.

Last time i ended up going to major episodes of energy loss where i would colapse and shake for 2-3 hours. doc says no probs with Blood sugar and its anxiety but im struggling with this symptom.

Hope to hear from some of you

19-12-07, 20:45

The energy loss I can completely sympathise with cos I get then when I have been anx. The shaking can be where the body has been tense for so long and then when it relaxes it shakes (I think).

The other symptoms are not something I can relate to - I would see your gp again.

Good luck. I can tell you are distressed - who wouldn't be. The worrying is making you so much worse of course.