View Full Version : What's going on with my toes and fingers?

19-12-07, 19:21
Hi there, just have been going through an awful time with my HA which is really annoying, every couple of days I come up with a new symptom and it's really beginning to do my head in.
Today I noticed that my toes and fingers feel weird, they are not numb when I feel them, but they seem stiff and weak, almost if like my blood wasn't circulating to them properly.
Earlier I went out with no gloves on and it was absolutely freezing, and I went into my bank and had to write something and I really struggled as my fingers were so stiff.
Also when I try to point my toes I get a cramp in them.
I'm scared, I'm only 31 but I'm paranoid it's diabetes or something more sinister.
Any suggestion?