View Full Version : Help! Do I need to see GP?

20-12-07, 09:01
Hi All, For the past few days and nights I have been suffering from severe internal head shakes, I did have it mainly in my torso but now its in my head too, scared to sleep cause I know it will be there when I wake up, is this common?? Scaring me to death don't want to Google it! When I'm at work can feel it in my arms as if my desk undermeath me is moving, also when I lean against something it feels that whatever I'm leaning against is moving too! Desperate for advice.......Thanks

20-12-07, 10:13
Don't have any answers for you i'm afraid but i also get the head shakes and the feelings that things aren,t there when i lean on them or stand on them. I have been to the doc on numerous occasions even thoough this has been a fairly recent thing for me.

20-12-07, 12:24
i have had that, also when you get stressed about things, it feels like things are moving, i had a a buzzing feeling also, not very nice, i think it is all anxiety related.

hope you feel better soon

take care


20-12-07, 12:31
Hi Clarelou,
Your symptoms certainly sound similar to others which have appeared on this Site.
Would it help if you consulted your Doctor?Perhaps he may be able to reassure you.I know there is nothing worse than not being able to understand why these things happen.
Hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes,

20-12-07, 12:55
Hello :)

I think you are describing 'head shocks' which are a really common anxiety symptom. I get them and they're horrible. They tend to just last a few seconds, but are completely out of the blue.

When I get them, it sometimes feels like I'm going to fall over. Other times, it feels like it's buzzing severely.

It could be an ear infection or something similar...I would say it's just head shocks, but it's never a bad idea to get checked over by the GP, if only to reassure you.

Take care,

xxx :flowers: