View Full Version : stroke??? - please help if can

20-12-07, 10:40
Hi all,

I am just getting myself into such a state about the numbness in my face.

On Tuesday afternoon - part of my lip started to feel numb. After a couple of hours it had also gone in the right hand side of my face. I went to the doctors who said it was probably a viral infection in the nerves of my face.

I got up yesterday and it was still there and was really panicking about it - so went back to doctor for a 2nd opinion. He just agreed with the first doctor.

Everyone I have spoken to since - says it sounds like a stroke.

Now I am panicking. What if I am have mini strokes?

A couple of hours before the numbness started - my heart was racing and banging in my chest. Could this have caused a blood clot - which is blocked somewhere in my head and is causing the numbness?

The numbness comes and goes - which makes me think that it cannot be viral (wouldnt it be there all the time?)

I really dont know what to do - my panic is getting really bad which is making me feel really dizzy, which then makes me think of stroke even more.

What should I do? My heart is racing again now.

20-12-07, 11:17
Hi Ann,

The numbness in your face is a common panic and anxiety symptom, numbness, tinglling is really common, your heart is pounding because you are panicking and because you are panicking it is making you numb. beleive me, i know its hard but i have probably had 20 strokes and i am still here, i was in hospital with the numbness in my face when i had my first major panic attack and they assured me it was all anxiety related. if the gp was concerned in anyway at all he would have sent you to the hospital.

sorry you feel so bad but try and relax, go for a walk go and vivit someone anything to take your mind off the numbness it will go maybew not today but it will.

take care


20-12-07, 13:29
Thanks Ruth for the reply and reassurance.

My negative thoughts are just going round and round in my head - and I am finding it so hard to break them when I am not 100% sure what it is.

Thanks once again.:hugs:

20-12-07, 13:39

I really hope this helps - I am having this too - I believe (from advice received here) that it is tension related and because you are so anxious it feels worse than it is. If I am distracted its not too bad - BUT if I focus on it - it spirals into panic............which for me like you means rapid heart rate and HUGE fear of having a stroke..............

At worst it is a virus (my friend had this last month) but my guess is its anxiety BUT most importantly what it definately isn't is a stroke!!!

Take care and merry Christmas from one like minded soul to another.

20-12-07, 13:49
Hi there, don't know if this helps but i thought i would just let you know that all day yesterday i had the horrible feeling in the right side of my face like it had dropped. My lips felt like they were hanging down lower than on the left side and my face felt the same. I quickly looked into the mirror on one occasion and it even looked like it had dropped. The thoughts are automatic into your brain that you have had a stroke and i am trying my best to ignore and rationalize them. I kept thinking that my bp has mostly been fine and my bp would have to have been very very high for a long time if this was going to happen. Also, if my bp had been very very high for a long time then it would have done some damage to my heart before this and this would have shown up before now. The other thing i noticed too, which is a comfort i suppose, is while i was having this symptom all day and was anxious about it, the other symptoms that i normally have every day did not seem as bad as i wasn't concentrated on those ones. This makes perfect sense to me as i was more focused on my face and not the rest of it.
I don't know if this helps at all, just thought i would let you know that you are not alone in this symptom, i know how you feel. You will be fine.x

20-12-07, 21:56
You really havent had a stroke and people who are telling you it could be a stroke, don't know anything about strokes. A stroke is a blood clot in your brain or a bleed in your brain. It can cause weakness down one side of the body, problems with language and talking and problems swallowing. It isnt the cause of a numb lip. I think your doctor is probably right in saying it is a viral infection or like the others have said, anxiety. Don't worry x

21-12-07, 09:22
hi youve not had a stroke ive also had them symtoms your having ther awful i no how you feel its classic anxiety symtoms please try not to worry i no its easy for me to say but ive been ther tc lv elaine xx

21-12-07, 09:35
Thanks everyone for your replies, advice and support. I really do appreciate it.:yesyes:

The numbness is still there - but I am trying my best not to dwell on it.:wacko:

Hope you all have a great christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

Take care xxx

28-12-07, 17:15
hi hope your feelin better and had great xmas tc elaine xxx