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20-12-07, 11:25

the momment that i wake up in the morning or whenever i wake up after being asleep, i get this wave of fear and panic rush through my body, my stomach drops and makes me need the toilet, my mouth drys up, i feel weak in side my body, i cant face food, and i feel even more tired that when i went to sleep. these feeling then last for most of the day, or subside and then the wave rushes over me again later! does anyone have this at all?

20-12-07, 11:42
Yes I feel like that every morning – worse on the mornings I have to work. It is the most tempting thing in the world to bury yourself back in bed and stay there all day.

If I manage to drag myself up and out I usually feel better by the afternoon (better not totally well).

20-12-07, 12:31
I get it most mornings too. Most of the time its just this horrible feeling in my stomach that something is about to happen.

Its still there when I get into work but provided I am kept busy, the distraction helps.


20-12-07, 18:11
I don't get the morning thing but if I have an afternoon nap which I sometimes do then I get that bloomin awful sinking feeling in the gut and this impending doom sensation and I feel so weak..... It takes about half an hour to wear off. I would actually love to know what causes it if anyone knows.

23-12-07, 00:22

Conditioning causes it, like all anx sysmptoms if you have them while doing the shopping then they are more likely to happen when out shopping.

Itoo suffer from the same. The difficulty is that you cannot control things when asleep and so as the REM sleep kicks in at the nearly awake phase then come the automated thoughts which wake us up and give us that feeling of a empty pit in the stomach. I tried changing my sleeping habits. Try changing when you sleep. Change when you wake up. Set the alarm for half way through the sleep cycle and take a night all tablet.

Break the condition.

I am out of the sleep problems now. I sleep for England now. I wake up feeling relaxed but then I seem to want to test the relaxed state by thinking about anxiety raising things and then I know I need to get up and occupy myself.

Hope this helps


23-12-07, 08:19
I used to hate mornings with a passion. The 1st thing I would do was open my eyes and think "right, will I feel like I did yesterday morning?". Enivitably I would feel just the same as the day before (panicky, fear, scared what was happening to me etc etc).

I would never get a handle on it until the afternoon when I would be more relaxed.

I look back and can see now I was trapping myself, my mind and thoughts were like a self fulfilling phrophecy.

I am sure these morning "terrors" are pretty much a common trait of anxiety, caused by our anticipation of the day ahead.

Hope you feel better soon chap.


23-12-07, 08:57

the momment that i wake up in the morning or whenever i wake up after being asleep, i get this wave of fear and panic rush through my body, my stomach drops and makes me need the toilet, my mouth drys up, i feel weak in side my body, i cant face food, and i feel even more tired that when i went to sleep. these feeling then last for most of the day, or subside and then the wave rushes over me again later! does anyone have this at all?

I get exactly the same thing. Some days it's just stomach cramp and a vague feeling of anxiety; other days it's outright terror. Even though I'm not hungry, I find eating some breakfast helps a little (I have Weetabix because it's soft).

Once I'm up and about and at work, I usually start to feel better. But the feeling tends to creep up on me during the day, especially if I don't have much human contact at work. I try to make myself go out in the evening (to meditation classes, reading groups, anything), just to distract myself.

The interesting thing is that if I wake in the middle of the night, I don't get the panic. And I'll think, "Wow, I can wake up without the panic"; but then when I wake up properly in the morning, it's there.

It's something to do with the chemicals in the body. Clinical depression too is worse first thing in the morning.