View Full Version : Progesterone

20-12-07, 11:55
Morning all :)

Wasn't really sure where to put this one....

I've been prescribed Progesterone (mini-pill) for 4 months. I just had a stay in hospital with abdo pain, which turned out to be endometriotic cysts on both ovaries. I had these removed earlier in the year, but they are now growing back....so I need medication as well as possible further surgery.

So, the progesterone is to help control the growth of Cynthia and Celia (my cysts).

Obviously, I haven't taken them :blush: I'm really worried about it. I'm wondering if anyone has taken them (they're called Provera)...and what experiences they have?

My biggest concern is Depression....apparently it can have an effect on this. Since I am already on Antidepressants, and my GP's want to double the dose, I'm pretty worried about taking something which could make it worse. Any ideas?

Also weight gain....I keep trying to lose weight, not bloomin' gain it.

I could go back on the combined pill, but I had to come off it because my blood pressure was high. It's now the opposite, and sitting in my boots...perhaps this is an option.

Anyway....any experiences?

Thanks muchly,

xxx :flowers:

geordie flower
20-12-07, 12:06
Hiya, Im on cerazzete which is a progesteron only pill. Ive been on it for 3 months now and have had the only side effect i had was a slight brown discharge :blush: for about 8 weeks, apparently this fairly common on it, it has stopped now tho. As for weight gain and depression ive been fine no problems. You should take them tho if the docs have prescibed them for you, then if you do have any side effects you can stop them, they leave your body very quickly and any side effects would soon go, hope this helps take care Tracey :flowers: x

20-12-07, 13:03
hi , im sorry your getting the cysts again ,

the progesterone pill did give me bad depression.

i have a book called what your doctor may not tell you about premopause and it mentions provera alot in a negative way ,
its a man made chemical called a progestin.
But it depends how you feel about using it ? lots of people do and if its to help you short term then why not i suppose ?
But for long term,
Some people decide to use a natural progesterone cream instead to help with any problems, this is what i am doing. Its really helped my painful breasts and my monthly headache.

good luck what ever you decide

20-12-07, 17:37
Hey Guys.

Thanks for your helpful replies. It's interesting to hear how people have got on with it.

I guess it's something that I'm not going to know unless I try it. I remember them trying to prescribe Cerazette for me in the past, but being me, I refused it :blush:

I have a private appointment to see a different Gynaecologist in the morning, so I'm going to ask him all about it.

You are apparently meant to take 90 days of this stuff. They've given me 90 tablets....but told me to take it 3 times a day...which is 30 days :doh: I don't have a clinic appointment until 4 months time, so whether I am meant to see the GP to get more, I have no idea.

Anyway, thanks for your help :hugs:xxx

22-12-07, 16:17

I have recently been prescribed Provera (10mg x three times a day) for 90 days. The consultant said it may make me feel a bit like I would before my period was due. Like you I am always very wary of taking any medication but I decided to give it a go (the alternative being for me that I would need a hysterectomy). So I started to take it and was absolutely fine for a few days but then I got the most intense PMT ever, I also got double vision and disturbed vision (which wasn't mentioned on the side effects on the leaflet) so I stopped taking it after 5 days. The side effects then stopped. I think if I were you I would give it a go as not everyone will be affected by the side effects and you can always stop if they don't suit you. There are natural progesterone creams available but would you be getting the dose you need? Good luck in what ecer you decide.

22-12-07, 16:33
Hi Pen.

Thanks for your reply. That is scary, I must say...but I'm glad the side effects have stopped for you. May I ask why you need it? Is it Endometriosis?

They now want me to have Prostap/Zoladex...which are hormone treatments which put you into a temporary menopause....and you get HRT at the same time. Woop-de-doo. I'm not happy one bit...the side effects sound truly horrific. I'd rather just have more surgery and pain!

I never used to be med-phobic but too much Googling contributes no end!

Thanks again Pen, I hope you are getting along ok xxx :flowers:

22-02-08, 20:31

Sorry for long delay in replying - I haven't been on the site for quite a while. I had the provera as I was diagnosed with abnormal cells in my uterus following a biopsy. I have since had a hysterectomy (in January). I do also have endometriosis and have previously taken danazol for that which wasn't too bad.

Hope you are getting on ok

22-02-08, 20:47
Hey Pen.

Wow - a hysterectomy - how are you getting along?

Did you find Provera ok?

I saw my consultant a couple of weeks ago and had to confess to him that I hadn't taken any of his drugs at all :blush:

I had a scan and whilst one of the cysts has gone :yesyes: the other is still there. Anyway, he made me realise I have no option really but to take the drugs and see how it goes. I really didn't want Zoladex so for now have started the Provera 10mg 3 times a day.

I've been on it just over 2 weeks and have been ok, other than a little 'spotting' :blush: Then 3 days ago I got a bad headache which is impossible to get rid of. I looked at the leaflet and it's one of the side effects, but then this morning my tonsils are up and I feel grotty etc so I think it's a bug giving me a headache.

The one problem I am finding is sticking to it 3x a day at set times....I do day and night shifts and so swapping it is a nightmare. If I carry on ok with it I am going to see if I can have the injection instead.

I hope you don't mind me asking - but what happens to your periods? I have no idea what to expect....will I still have them?! The doctor didn't really answer, or I wasn't listening.

Anyway, thanks for keeping up with me and I hope you are well recovered now from your surgery.

xxx :flowers:

23-02-08, 19:07

I am getting on fine, thanks. It wasn't the most pleasant of experiences I have had (lol) but it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting either.

I only took provera for 5 days as it didn't seem to agree with me at all so I stopped taking it but only because I knew that I was booked for my op very soon afterwards otherwise I would have tried to persevere - I'm not very good with medication, I had an allergic reaction to some once a couple of years ago and have struggled with taking anything other than paracetamol since. It sounds like you are doing fine on the tablets as any side effects would have shown up by now. I was supposed to take it 3 x 10mg per day for 90 days.

As for my periods I found an improvement and I still had one at the correct time. I think if I had persevered then I may also have seen an improvement in my endometriosis in the long term but I only have it mildly so that may be something to think about in the future if it recurrs.

Take care

Pen xx

23-02-08, 20:08
Thanks Pen :hugs:

Glad to hear you are getting along ok after your operation. It is a biggie so give yourself plenty of time for rest and relaxation!

Thank you for all your reassurance and sharing your experience

xxx :flowers: