View Full Version : Ramblings.....

20-12-07, 12:27
Hi all

I'm sorry if I am posting a lot on here lately, moaning about things. I really appreciate the support and advice I get from people on here. I wanted to post because I just want to get my feelings out and have a ramble, I guess I am missing my counsellor who I wont see until 5th January now and I've just got loads running through my head so just bear with me.

I have such a strong core belief that I am worthless. I dont know how to shift this belief, what do I do to improve my view on myself? I have spoken to my counsellor but so far nothing has been said about improving the way I feel about myself. It has been with me for years, I think since a really early age as I used to cry and call myself stupid from as young as 8 years old according to my Mum. Certain events in my life have "reinforced" this view but because it has been with me for so long, its hard to shift.

Consequently everything I do relates back to this core belief, that much I know.

I am a perfectionist, if I do not get 100% or near to 100% in most things I automatically class myself as a failure.

I always want to please other people, often to the detriment of how I feel and what I really want. I hope that by pleasing them, they will like me better. When it makes me dislike myself even more because I think I have failed at it.

I dont like the way I look, I want to have the perfect body (whatever that is!). I want to look perfect, I want to be beautiful for my boyfriend. I look at other girls and they are so pretty, they look perfect to me, and I immediately think I am worth nothing. I am horrible. They are a threat to my relationship. And I believe my boyfriend likes them more than me.

I know deep down all this is bullsh*t, however I still believe the above if that makes any sense, its hard to shut out the voice of low self worth.

There is no such thing as perfection, it is unattainable and if one strives for perfection then they are bound to be disappointed every time because it is not possible.

People accept people for who they are - for their likes and dislikes. I know this because its what I do! So why can I not cut myself some slack and just be me and let people accept who I am. Not everyone will like me, I know this, but for some reason it is so important to me that they do. Like, if they don't its because I have failed in some way and its cos I'm a bad person.

I used to have an eating disorder so my preoccupation with my appearance has never really left me, but I dont engage in eating disorder behaviours anymore. I strive for perfection with my looks, I want to have a flat stomach and be toned. All these celebs do and look at how happy they are. All the beautiful people together, smiling, having a good time. I know this is absolute rubbish by the way. I know that these celebs spend most of their lives working to get to the way they look. They have strict diet/exercise regimes, not to mention plenty of surgery! But all these images are passed down into my subconscious, to my core belief of low self worth, which reinforces it even more.

So do I not believe people like me for me? No I dont, how can they when I dont like myself. What is there to like? People compliment me before, and I should take that on board and hold onto it. But no, I brush it off and put it down to me putting on such a good act that people dont actually see the bad person I am.

Sorry for the long ramble, I'm fed up of being like this. I just want to enjoy my life and have fun. Life shouldnt be taken so seriously should it. All these attempts I make at being the perfect person, the perfect girlfriend, the perfect friend, are fruitless because its never made me feel any better.

I'm finding it hard at the moment cos christmas is a very sociable time and I'm tired of socialising and pretending to be happy when I'm not. I worry though that if I dont sit there grinning like a cheshire cat or laughing at all the jokes, people will think less of me and think me moody. But why does it matter so much?! Its so draining.

Thanks for listening, just wanted to get these thoughts out of my head.


20-12-07, 12:50
Hi Lilith,

It is excellent that you are getting this "stuff" off your chest!!!

I totally understand what it's like to have low self-esteem and to be a perfectionist.
What stopped me striving for perfection was the realisation that it was driving me to physical and mental exhaustion!!
I live one day at a time doing the best I can whatever that may be.It doesn't seem to matter what others think as long as I follow this.It does take time to make this change but realizing that the world isn't grinding to a halt because I'm not pushing so hard is good re-inforcement. Having a supportive partner certainly helps.
I have read lots of your posts since joining NMP.You are one of the first people to offer support,advice and reassurrance to others who are having a bad day.
I think if I asked your best friend to describe you,I would be told of a warm,loving human being who is an asset as a friend.
This time of year can be a real bummer for us lot but you exhibit the real Spirit of the Season by your giving nature.
I hope you start to feel better soon.
This is from someone who values your opinions.
Best wishes,

20-12-07, 13:36
Thanks for your reply Chalky :)

I'm just fed up of placing unrealistic demands on myself. Its not even like I consciously know I am doing it, or that I am feeling these feelings. Its only when I sit back and analyse that I realise I've been beating myself over the head with a bat for so long!

Its so tiring and I want to get better. Its not helping my relationship. My boyfriend does try to help but I think he backs away because he doesn't understand it. I do feel quite alone sometimes, but I guess in the end, it has to come from me. He can tell me 'til he's blue in the face how much he loves me and how gorgeous he thinks I am (and he does tell me everyday) but these comments just go right over my head. They dont do anything :(

I'm constantly worrying about being abandoned because I dont understand why anyone would love me. Arrgggh, my head. Would someone like to swap?? :D

I know its all rubbish but my core belief continues to chip away at my low self worth so maybe I dont truly believe that its all rubbish :(

Thanks for allowing me to vent!

20-12-07, 13:53
Why not strike while the iron is hot!

You know this thinking is bad for you so why not make a conscious effort to change it.One minute,one hour,one day at a time-whatever you are comfortable with.
You MUST give yourself time to change.
When it hits you,try to think what would your best friend say about you-the good person you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best wishes,

20-12-07, 14:35
Good idea Chalky.

I think I am too ambitious in that I want to change it all NOW rather than give myself the time to.

Its certainly something to work on :)

Thank you


20-12-07, 16:23
Hi just because you have a thought it doesnt make it true. Just tell yourself what a load of old bull and then imagine what would you say to your daughter if you had one and she came to you with the same thoughts youd say that thought is load of old rubbish and couldnt be further from the truth.