View Full Version : fear of going crazy

20-12-07, 12:51
hey guys ok so im driving home from work and bang! here comes along another crazy thought for me to stress n worry about...:weep:

a few yrs back i watched the excorsist freaked me rite out but i got over it..anyway when i was driving home i thought " what if that happened to me?" but then i thought about it and me not being religeous or believing in any of that stuff rationalised my thought to "its not real"...but then i thought wel what if i went crazy and thought it was happening so it stimulated me to act like it was????

sorry this is probably making no sence and by now u prbably all think im crazy too, but i really just need reassurence or if anyone else has ever had thoughts like this please let me kno...

im just really worried that im gonna think about it so much n like start flipping out like a crazy person and start acting like im possesed or something:wacko:

please help
and take care
lawzy xxx:hugs:

20-12-07, 13:02
Hi Lawzy,

That is some film.It was released when I was a kid in Belfast.I can still remember the footage of the Church people protesting outside the cinemas at this moral corruption.I still think often of the projectile vomiting scene in that movie.Why?
When my daughter was a baby,I was winding her after a feed.She projectile vomited the full contents of a 12oz bottle all over my stone fireplace!It took me a week to clean the bloody thing!!
When our minds are challenged we have a tendency to follow well trodden paths.It takes time to learn to accept passing thoughts for what they are.The fact that you responded to this thought by taking positive action-posting about it-shows that you are on the right path and i applaud you for that.
Best wishes,
p.s.-I never let my daughter forget what she did!!!

20-12-07, 13:30
Hi, i think this is linked to the whatever we read, watch or hear becomes a problem for us!
I remember when i was younger, watching salem's lot. I believe, if memory serves correctly, that there is a particular scene in that where a boy is flying outside a window, as a vampire of course, tapping the window to be let in so he can get the person inside. I then started having a dream that my granddad, already deceased at the time, was flying outside my bedroom window wanting to be let in. That freaked me out no end, and it shows that it did by even now remembering that so clearly.
I can watch something and believe that it is going to happen to me, or read something in a magazine and think that it is me next, or i have already got it! This is just the way our tired, stressed, anxious minds work at the moment i am afraid and it is horrible. But just because you think it, or sometimes even believe it, does not mean that anything is going to happen to you.x

20-12-07, 13:43
Hi Lawzy, the fact that you are talking about this and trying to rationalise it all proves you are not crazy.

The best thing to do with these thoughts is to remember they are only thoughts and cannot harm you.

I guess most "normal" people may have thoughts like this but because they dont suffer with anxiety, they can automatically ignore them or not give them any importance, because they are only passing thoughts.

I know how hard it is not to let these thoughts upset you, they tend to end up running around my head and making me feel like I'm going mad! But none of us are mad, I think its more a symptom of having a tired mind. But definitely not madness.

25-12-07, 19:45
thanks guys...made me feel some what better:)


26-12-07, 17:49
I just tell myself my mind doesn't work 100% properly when I'm anxious, and I should ignore silly thoughts because my judgement isn't spot on... all I need to do is calm down and things will seem better.
Seems to work!