View Full Version : Helpful Things

20-12-07, 13:37
I'm new here and thought I should mention a few positives that have helped me. Naturally were all different but these things have and are comforting to me when things go a bit pear shaped.

1 Walk at least a couple of miles listening to music you love. Even sad music (not all the time) can be very cathartic.

2 Watch an inspiring movie. Amongst my favourites are Amelie, Groundhog Day, It's a Wonderful Life.

3 The Bach 'Rock Rose' I find helpful before potentially stressful situations.

4 Vitamin C and a small dosage of Magnesium seems to have a positive affect on my general calm. And Glucose sweets for blood sugar, though obviously if you have a blood sugar issue check with you doctor.

5 Talk openly with at least one friend often.

6 Be in a rural environment at least once a week doing absolutely nothing. Even a park will do.

7 Have faith that however dark things may seem, it will change. Things always do. And allow that thought to comfort you.

8 Read something inspiring. I would recommend anything by Paulo Coelho,
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
That kind of spiritually uplifting material.

9 Use Essential Oils of your choice. Though Lavender and Bergamot are always nice.

10 Do something creative every day, even cooking something new for dinner will do.

Hope that held a grain of helpfulness. :sofa:

20-12-07, 14:46
Thankyou for those helpful tips. i use lavendar oil on a tissue to sniff during stressful momemts and rescue remedy spray when anxious. Love wenjoy xx

20-12-07, 20:03
Yes lavender is always a comforting thing. :)
