View Full Version : Suggestibility? Numpty mode more like

20-12-07, 19:23
There I was, strolling down the M1 this morning (I was in a car btw) listening to the radio, flask mug of coffee listening to radio 1. Then it dawns on me, I know what's winding me up, I am 40 and although Chris Moyles used to make me laugh, I now feeling like killing someone after listening to him all morning.

So, being a grumpy (old?) man I decided this dribble was doing my head in so I scanned around for another radio station. Lucky me, I found 3 county's radio. Even more lucky for me, they were talking about some geezer who had a burst appendix, and that the hospital, NHS blah blah politics politcs and all that had saved him but not thanks to cuts then more waffle about the state of the country yawn yawn.

Anyway, the point of the post was that this chap went into detail about how if he didn't receive the appropriate treatment in time, then he could have pegged it. God knows what he was whining on about he obviously survived (or was it a recording?).

When he went into detail about what could happen, I actually started to stress about getting a burst appendix myself, and I could feel the stirrings of a panic attack deep down.

I particuarly didn't want to panic as I had just had my suit cleaned, and coffee stains down my white shirt don't half look naff in meetings.

Eventually I got a grip of myself and managed to calm down and realise that it was just suggestibilty.

The rest of the day passed fine, but just shows you, the power of negative thinking can't half ruin your morning.


20-12-07, 19:34
how VERY dare you suggest Chris Moyles is drivle you grumpy old man you!!

20-12-07, 19:51
Oh Moyles is yucky.

I know what you mean Jaco. I always do that. I never read the OCD/PTSD/Social Anx/Phobias bits on this site in case I start thinking 'I've got that...I must have PTSD' etc etc.

I think us anxiety folk are especially in tune with our bodies, sometimes too much so. We start thinking we've got things we haven't.

Trust me lovey, you'd know all about it if you had a burst appendix :winks:

I loved the mental image you conjured up in me.....Jaco taking a slightly psychotic walk down the M1 :yesyes:

xxx :flowers:

20-12-07, 20:02

Tut tut, Chris Moyels is my absolute favourite, erm well apart from Scott Mills, Chappers, Colin Murray so on and so fourth.

I'm sorry you had such a crap drive mate but like swanny said, the mental images you have given us are hilarious!!

I hope your feeling better, have a hug on me :hugs:

Love Lisa

20-12-07, 20:41
There I was, strolling down the M1 this morning (I was in a car btw)

Now that my friend made me laugh for the first time today - nice one!!! :lisa:

Love Piglet :flowers:

20-12-07, 23:52
yeah Moyles winds me up to he talks to much I am more of a music person, but it's funny how one things can set you off. Like I have to stop reading those funny REAL magazines or they set me off worrying I have cancer and I only have 2 weeks to live!

I wouldn't listen to Radio 4 then they debate all the time :P I can't listen to radio debates they wind me up to much HAHA

21-12-07, 00:49
Jaco - what are you like eh?

I have a bit of a thing about suddenly being allergic to certain foods and reacting badly to them - nuts being the main one I guess.

Anyway at Alex's Xmas do I was munching on my starter of prawns and something else ?? I commented how nice it tasted and someone said that it tasted like crab meat so the woman sat next to me said "Oh I hope you aren't allergic to crab meat in that case!"

Of course that freaked me cos I didn't realise you could be allergic to crabs so I started to think that I was going to have a reaction to that as well!

Mad isn't it?

22-12-07, 09:36
It is for sure Nic :) I used to just live everyone else's illnesses as I read them. I knew I was losing it when I started getting womans troubles too (like not being able to cook or park properly ;)).

As for Moyles? he is funny for 10 mins then he bores the pants off me.

Radio 4 Janie? I listen to Radio 4 sometimes, a few years back it actually used to calm me down listening to convo's instead of music when I was really anxious when out and about in the car. Mind you, one is rather posh ;)


22-12-07, 12:43
Dear Jaco i read your post and totally agree with you about other peoples troubles rubbing off and then making your own anxirty worse. However there are folk out there who come to this site that are having a really rough time, perhaps have lost everything in their lives and could be on the brink of ending it all, especially at this time of the year. So they look for advice either on the forum or the chat room to help cope.
But what is the point if members of NMP don't read the postings and try to give some support. Surely that is what it's all about?
Don't mean to sound rude to you or anything but i wondered why you are drawn to this website if it makes your anxiety worse or if you are well enough
not to need it ??
Richie XXX

22-12-07, 13:21
Even if you can't give advice, or find it too traumatic then i think it's lovely the way some people send beautiful pictures and good wishes

22-12-07, 16:08
Dear Richie

I dont mean to be rude either, but I don't have a clue what you are on about.

I don't recall saying this website makes my anxiety worse?

It was a post about suggestibility in everyday life and how health anxiety sufferers (like me) adopt what they read, hear, see on TV etc about health (or ill health) then let their imaginations run riot.

Now I am not too sure what your point was exactly, but if you look at my posts, many a time I have offered advice and my experiences to threads if I considered I had a level of knowledge to give.

And I know all about "real rough times" thank you, I don't need a lecture.

I hope this settles this little matter.


22-12-07, 18:01
I was confused too and thought I had read the wrong thread lol.

22-12-07, 18:43
Sorry Jaco and Nicola just misunderstood and took it the wrong way, didn't mean for it to be a lecture just thought u were saying people shouldn't go on about their problems lol

22-12-07, 18:47
please forgive didn't mean to jump to stupid conclusions like that
Luv Richie x

22-12-07, 19:05
Richie - it is fine really. :yesyes:

22-12-07, 22:36

I find the same. When my body is on high alert (anxious) I find any health news or bad news for that matter aid in sending my anxiety through the roof. I too listen to radio 4. My wife thinks I am bonkers, but I too find educated conversation much more leveling than wind up Moyles. I have even tuned the bedside clock radio to R4. I have also started listening to clasical music more and more....Pre anxiety it used to be Pearl Jam, red hot chilli peppers etc.. I do say I am more drawn to sultry tones like Erik Satie etc...radiohead... I sometimes wonder if listening to depressing music is not helping!

I feel if I could live in a good news bubble for 12 months things would ease.

Excellent post.

Richie - I cannot see your gripe? I do find this forum or for that matter any "face up to it" website difficult to read and it does increase the Anx, but as the pro's say exposure is best. I do find that knowing someone else with the same feelings are out there at the same time very helpful to calm the nerves. - My anx is up now while writing this...I do know that after I have switched off the PC my Anx will return to a lower level than it was before reding this forum.

No offence meant


22-12-07, 22:53
I dont want to knock this site in anyway shape or form but i too also find that when im reading or sometimes writing something about how someone feels or how i have felt , i also get panicky and can sometimes start taking on the symptoms of whats bieng described, suggestability is a very powerful thing if it wasnt im sure all the TV commercials wouldnt be as much use as they are, All our minds work differently but i agree with jaco its a powerful thing to feel what others are describing. But i suggest if the website helps you then you must continue to use it, i on the other hand try and restrict how much i am on the internet reading about things that could send me into a spin.