View Full Version : Question for Meg, hypoglycemia

23-02-05, 20:32
Hi Meg
Hope you dont mind my asking, read with interest your post regarding hypoglycemia, this is something i am experiencing this time. i shake really badly when i havent eaten, i'm not a good eater, and then when i have eaten i still shake for along time after, i also shake alot on awakening. do you think these symptons will go as my anxiety lessens or do you think i need to see my gp for a blood test
thanks Longie

23-02-05, 21:33
Hi ,

Hypoglycaemia is not always recognised by the GP as your blood test may come back within the 'normal' limits

If this is something that has come on just with anxiety, its worth putting it down to system overload initially and see how you go by doing your utmost to support it.

This consists of following a GI menu and eating small but extremely regularly- each 3 hours and sometime more in the mornings. Also cut out alcohol for a couple of months.

I was really sensitive for about 2 months but as I got better and stopped panicking, the hypoglycaemia resolved too and now it doesn't affect me at all.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

23-02-05, 21:41
Hi Meg

Many thanks for the quick reply
Love Longie