View Full Version : Confused???

20-12-07, 20:35
Hi Everyone

At the moment I am just so confused, well today I went to see a specialist to do with womens problems (periods etc), we had a discussion about my medication I take and my periods etc, and says that I should take Dianette Pill to hep regulate my periods etc and keep taking the other medication. That is it they sort of discharged me.

The previous specialist who I saw a few months back basically told me to have a blood test a week before this appointment(which I did). Well the specialist whom I saw today never mentioned anything about the results of the blood test or anything (I forgot to mention about it at the appointment, as I was getting my self into a state, trying to remember dates etc). What worrys me is whether I should take the Dianette pill, when I get them or not. I suffer with depression, I am very overweight, my dad has had 3 blood clots in his leg and takes warfarin, I am sure that I have high cholesteral. I am just not sure of what to do and I am confused.

Sorry for all of that confusing post.


21-12-07, 03:25
Hi shygirlajb,

If you need to go to your general doc regarding Dianette maybe mention these things to them. My family suffers from high blood pressure and I take dianette but they monitor my bp every couple of months.

Or maybe try and contact this specialist and ask these questions. Dianette is a weaker pill than some, I take it for a condition I have called PCOS, I have irregular periods but sometimes there are alternative ways to tackle the problem for example if you have PCOS you might not necessarily have to take dianette there is also a special diet to follow to apparently control problems.

If you worried ask, and ask for alternatives if you worried about taking medication (I sometimes hate medication) but don't let them just give you something and let them fob you off. Hope this helps, oh yes I also forget things in appointments so I tend to write my questions, which I have down so I make sure I can get what's on my mind answered cause I would forget my head if it weren't screwed on :) hehe

21-12-07, 17:20
OK - don't panic. You can easliy sort this one out.
Go to see your GP and ask about your blood test - if it was one of those tests where you have to starve then it probably measured your cholesterol. Your GP should have a report from your specialist. Also ask about the pill and if it fits in with your existing meds. If GP hasn't got a report yet, ask him to get one so that you can put your mind at rest.

Write everything down before you go - then if you get flustered or side-tracked you can make sure you get all the answers and info you want before you walk out of the surgery.

I'll bet this will really reassure you and will reinforce what the specialist said.
Be kind to yourself.

29-12-07, 22:26
Hi Everyone

Hope you have had a good Christmas, and will have a good New Year.

Many Thanks for replying to my post.

Janieb - I think I will have to talk with my Gp about is, I am not brave enough to ring up the specialist(I know it sounds silly it is to do with my low confidence), I have the symptoms of pcos and have been given treatment for it (metformin). At the moment I find it really hard to stick to healthy food, as I am really really down at the moment, got a lot of things going on, so I have just eaten the wrong food(I just can't help it at the moment). I had my diary with me, but I was looking though it my mind was reading blank(if you see what I mean), panicky, nervous because I couldn't remember or find the information , if you see what I mean.

neptuno - I think I am going to have to go and see my Gp before I do and take anything, I remember reading to check cholesterol on the card and other things but nobody told me to starve. I am sure a few months back my Gp mentioned about the pill but, concerned with the side effects etc. I will have to try and write down a list of questions before I go to any appointments, so I don't forget them.

Once again many thanks for taking the time to read and answer my post, HAPPY NEW YEAR.

