View Full Version : Bad fall

21-12-07, 02:42
I'm sorry, I wasn't sure where to post this.

For those who know me, I just wanted to say I'm sorry I haven't been around...again!

I've had a bit of a rough time recently which isn't like me, so I've had periods where I've not been up to much.

Things started with painful toothache and soon after that was sorted, I came down with a bad cough which is still just about there.

The latest thing which was my own fault, was a bad fall. I've managed to bruise most of my body which doesn't help when you have a cough to contend with! I've seen the doctor who has patched me up and put me on some meds.

I haven't been up to much as it's shaken me up quite badly and I'm still recovering. Not a good time for this to happen when there's so much to do at Christmas.

I just wanted to let people know why I've been quiet as I would never mean to ignore people. I've just had a bad time lately.

I'm sorry.

I'd like to wish everyone a Very Happy "Relaxing" Christmas..I hope.

21-12-07, 03:44
Just to say hope your feeling better soon bill, i do,nt know you , but you take care and have a peaceful christmas.

21-12-07, 08:47
Hey Bill, don't apologise for not being around, I'm sure no one expects you to be here 24-7!

I'm sure there are times when a lot of people don't come on here because they have other things going on so don't you say sorry :)

Sorry to hear about your fall, make sure you take care of yourself over Christmas and try and rest.

Jo xxxxx

21-12-07, 08:48
hi bill hope you feel better soon sorry to hear bout your fall have lovely xmas and peacful new year tc elaine xxx

21-12-07, 13:25
Hi Bill

So sorry to hear about the fall - these things can bring you down because you can't get on with stuff as you normally would.

What meds has doc put you on mate?

You take great care. Missed ya.

21-12-07, 14:08
Hope your feeling better now :hugs:

You need to put more water with it next time - just kidding.:winks:

Hope you and your family also have a fantastic christmas and new year

Take care x

21-12-07, 14:11
Hi Bill,

Hope that you are feeling better real soon. Hope that you have a lovely Christmas.