View Full Version : Agitation

23-02-05, 21:35
Has anyone experienced that feeling that you just cannot stand still?! I cannot stand in a queu without feeling severe agitation. If someone I know stops to chat in the street, I have to make an excuse to go as standing in one place for more than a minute is impossible. It's exhausting!!

23-02-05, 21:46

That is cos you want to get away - a perfectly normal feeling for a sufferer I am afraid.

It is cos we get anxious being stuck in a place so we turn on the "flight" response of the "fight or flight action".

The hardet part is staying and facing it but unless you do then you never conquer the fear I am afraid.

Takes time but can be done - a lot of us have done it.


24-02-05, 09:57
try transfering your weight from one foot to the other or keeping your hands by your side and tapping on your legs its hardly noticable that your doing it but it will distract you and i found it really worked for me

fan x

24-02-05, 10:23

I was like you when my anxiety was very acute, but with time it did go, but do not avoid doing these things as eventually it will make things worse.
Facing your fears is hard but is well worth it in the end.

Take care

Elaine x

24-02-05, 15:25
Oh yes, know that feeling well.

Even though I'm recovering nicely, I still get really agitated if I have to wait in long queues or even if I have to sit still for too long in a uni lecture, even though the subject may be very interesting! Annoying isn't it?

Best wishes
Jo xx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

24-02-05, 15:26
Forgot to mention that I'm always twitching my foot or leg too when I'm sat still which I actually find quite annoying myself but I can't seem to help it [:o)]

Jo x

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

24-02-05, 15:37
My foot twitches on its own accord, now that is annoying. I think its the AD I'm on as I haven't noticed it when I haven't been on them.


Japanese Proverb:
Fall seven times; stand up eight.

24-02-05, 15:54

Yeah I have that problem too. It is energy draining. I get annoyed with myself and end up telling myself to stop moving around - I then freeze on the spot and tense up - can't win!


'Everyone believes very easily whatever they fear or desire'