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21-12-07, 17:27
anyone heard of "lightning process" for M.E. ?

21-12-07, 22:48
Hi there,

I have M.E and I have heard of this although not tried it myself.

From what I have read/heard of people that have tried it for some it really helped, for others it made no difference and some it made them relapse.

It seems like most things for M.E that some things work for some people and not others.

I know there is a private clinic in London that uses this technique, they have developed and refined the methods away from the orignal way it was used though I think as they feel it works better their way. Again they do have success from what I understand but not with everyone as M.E is such a complex illness.

Is this something you are considering?


21-12-07, 23:05
I saw a link to this in the Daily Mail online from an article about a family who had two youngsters with ME. They went to a treatment centre in Wales. From what I recall, it's all about halting adrenaline flow but I may be hazy with my recollections.

27-12-07, 10:48
As I don't seen to be getting anywhere down the usual GP route I'm willing to try anything !

27-12-07, 14:07
Good luck if you do try it :hugs:

Sadly there is not much a gp can do for M.E unless there is somewhere they can refer you onto - and lots of M.E services around the country are being cut to save money! :mad:

If you do try it let us know how you get on.

Lisa x

27-12-07, 20:15
I also have been diagnosed with CFS/ME & although I haven't tried the Lightning process I did look in to it & spoke to my aunts friends son who had had ME for about 10-12 years. He completed the LP & he is now rock climbing again & back at work full time. As I know this is a genuine story because it's my aunts friend then I know that it does work for some people. If overdoing things always caused a relapse then him going rock climbing & being back at work would surely have caused him to relapse by now?!
I think he has been well for over a year but not sure. The only thing that I found difficult to understand about this was that they don't clearly explain the theory & it all feels abit secretive although they say that this is because it would affect your own experience if you decided to do the LP.

I have opted for Reverse Therapy which isn't the same as LP but I think may have a similar mind/body theory behind it. I have been doing it since September & am ALOT better than I was. I'm having more days of feeling normal again although there is still some way to go. I read loads about it first & read the book by John Eaton. When I read this all the pieces just fell in to place & I could relate to everything he said. For me it's the only thing I've read that makes sense of my symptoms. It is hard work & requires perseverance but when it works its amazing!

You will find a lot of negativity & cynicism about these 2 therapies on the net as they are expensive but I wonder how many of these people would be so cynical if either of these were available free on the NHS? I can't believe they would refuse to try them then.

In my experience, the NHS has very little to offer & I felt that I had to try something, I couldn't just carry on feeling so awful & never knowing how I was going to feel. The RT has also helped enormously with my anxiety which is now much lower than it was.

I'm not saying that either of these will help you but if you can afford it & want to try something that has helped many others then you should seriously look into both of these-after all what's the alternative? I think that the NHS is looking in to performing clinical trials with both of these but don't know any more about it than that.

If you want to know more about RT you can go to the website or read his book but if you want to pm me then please feel free! I know how you feel about committing to either of these as I worried about being conned & ripped off but I was so desperate I just had to try something & I'm really glad I did!.
Hope this helps!
love Seffie xx