View Full Version : Does anyone else.......

21-12-07, 21:27

just wondered if anyone else still experiences their anxiety symptoms even when you are not actually feeling anxious???#

Iv felt ok for last couple of weeks, not anxious at all but i still find i get some symptoms, like spider crawling sensation on my back, feeling a wee bit off balance at times, palpitations etc. I really am not anxious about anything conciously, although i know i am a worryer when it comes to my health.

Anyway, just wondered...


21-12-07, 21:41
My strange sensations arise whether I'm anxious or not. Sometimes at my most happiest times they appear.


22-12-07, 11:47
hi i also get the crawling sensations in my back and feel off balance also.

Pink Princess
22-12-07, 13:00
my problem is shaking - i relate shaking to being anxious and panicking so if i shake i assume im goign to panic. however if im not anxious i just try to focus on a good thing and change my thoughts and it goes away again. xxxxxxx

23-12-07, 14:25
Yes my issue is tremors on occasion, even when I'm pretty chilled. This in turn can make me quite anxious. The tremors I think just arise from being tense for so long.