View Full Version : Head Pressure after Exercise

22-12-07, 01:03
Hello everyone,

I've started exercise to help with anxiety i've been having. I noticed today after my exercise I felt a lot of pressure in the back of my head and face. Similar to a really bad tension headache with the unsteadiness. I didn't fall, but I had to take it pretty slow, felt like a bad panic attack! (funny how the same physical symptoms manifest themselves :) )

If I push I on the back of my head the pain subsides somewhat, it's just scary! Has anyone else experienced this or can give some good advice on steps to take. I'm out of shape so could this be contributing to it?

28-12-07, 12:10
Hi Franklin, it depends how long its been since you excersiced mate, and what you did to excercise. i would 99 % say it was a muscle that you havent used in a long time just feeling sore.
The only thing you need to worry about is making sure
1 you dont do too much in too short a time, pace yourself it will come.

2 that whatever excercise your doing you do it correctly, nothing worse especially weightlifting if you do excersises properly. slow and steady mate.
i play hockey and have bad health anxiety, i always feel a little shaky after a game, and i ache like a madman the 2 days after but its only cos im pushing my body and after the aches have gone i will feel fine and ready to go again.

hope this helps..

28-12-07, 16:01
thanks for your response, after i wrote this someone mentioned to me to monitor my heart rate. I must be out of shape pretty bad because it shot up right when i was exercising, i also had a tension headache which just got worse because i found i was clinching my jaw from all the pressure of running so hard. Anyways i've scaled it back, my heart rate after 2 week is already starting to stabalize...my anxiety is WAY WAY down, and if i do get panic my body just seems more prepared to handle it. Anyways, i'm not 200% but i recommend anyone who is having anxiety start a small exercise progarm...just start small...within weeks you'll be suprised how much better you feel and how you are able to handle things more. My goal is to get up to 30 minutes with a strong heart rate 140-150 and not wear out. I'm getting there..but i'm doing it slowly.