View Full Version : Can't sleep with other people/things in the room...

22-12-07, 01:26
For years I've had trouble with this, I can't sleep if I have a friend staying over in my room...or if I can, I wake up a million times in the night and I'm exhausted the next day! It's not that I don't trust them, it's just more anxiety I guess, caused by something around me being different. Does anyone else have this problem?
Anyway, (this is crazy, I know) over Christmas we're having guests stay in our spare room, so my pet bird has to stay in my room for about a week. And I really cannot sleep with this darn creature in here! I wake up, and she's just staring at me. It's creepy! Any ideas on how I can calm down and just sleep normally?

22-12-07, 15:34
I have trouble sleeping if there if there is anything different about the room, sometimes my grandaughter stays with me and sleeps in the room, I just lay awake listerning to her breathing. If you bird is in a cage could you put a cover over it at night?Hope it goes ok.:flowers:

22-12-07, 19:04
Im exactly the same hate sleeping in a room with someone else.it even bugs me hearing my family in the night asleep through the wall. And i hate going to bed early when everyone else is still up as i can hear them downstairs. I don't know why it bothers me really. But i totally understand.
Sarah x

22-12-07, 20:57
Thanks :) It's good to know I'm not alone :) I'll try covering her cage and see if that works.