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24-02-05, 10:44
Hi there. Yesterday I ended up in A&E for the afternoon with palpitations. I have suffered from them from a very young age but they have only ever lasted 2-3mins. Yesterday I had them for over an hour. Doc's were very concerned. Heart did eventually go back to normal rate. So I did a search on google to find out more and I found this site [:o)]

24-02-05, 10:48
Hi logladie,

Have you other symptoms that lead you or your doctors to believe you may have panic or anxiety rather than a spontaneous cardiac rhythm issue ?

Are other investigative tests being arranged ?

Glad you're ok now

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

24-02-05, 10:56
hi welcome to the forum im sure you will find it really helpful

fan x

24-02-05, 13:04
Hi Logladie

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

24-02-05, 13:20
Hi Logladie,

Welcome to the forum and I'm sorry you have had such a rough time. Have the doctors said the palpitations are due to anxiety? I have suffered with palpitations/ectopic beats for nearly 5 years and have had ECGs and the doctors couldn't find anything serious and put it down to anxiety but I still get them daily only not quite so bad and have had to learn to live with them.

Hope you feel better soon and you will get lots of help and support here from a very friendly bunch of people.

Take care
Love Lisaxx

24-02-05, 13:41
Hiya Logladie,

Welcome to the forum.


24-02-05, 14:16
Hi Logladie
I'm new here too.
Just wanted to say welcome!

24-02-05, 15:11
Hiya Loglady

A warm welcome to the forum :D

Sorry to hear about your palpitations - what did the doctors conclude in the end??

Best wishes
Jo xx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

24-02-05, 15:42
Hi Logladie

Sorry to hear you have had a tough time. You'll find lots of good advice and support on here.


24-02-05, 17:47

Welcome to the site, you'll get plenty of help and support here

Take care

Elaine x

24-02-05, 18:20
Hi Logladie,

I get palpitations/missed beats most days too and am just learning to accept that they are anxiety related.

Hope the doctors sort you out and we would all be interested to know what they tell you.
Welcome to the site,

24-02-05, 19:51

Welcome aboard. Did they say it was panic/anxiety or are they going to do more tests.

Hope you are ok now.


24-02-05, 23:47
Welcome to the forum.
What did the doctors decide in the end?

Hope you feel better now.


Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.