View Full Version : Any advice? Please help me.

22-12-07, 11:47
Hi guys. I'm having a really tough time, and not sure how to deal with everything. On top of a really hard and very demanding year, my PTSD and OCD has resurfaced. I've been really good for the last 6 months and now I just fee drained by it all. I can't sleep, and feel permanently pumped with adrenalin. everything is scaring me, and I'm becoming so angry about everything.

anyone got any good suggestions? nightmares are a particular problem but I am also finding that my nerves are ragged. I've tried Sertraline, which was good but made me feel so doped up and numb. This was great for a while, but doesn't help me make effective decisions at work or keep my family safe.

I'm desperate, please help,


Pink Princess
22-12-07, 12:58
hi gb,

i know what its like when the nightmares scare you and stop you from wanting to sleep. im not sure if this will help you, but what i done was set my alarm clock for every 2 hours or however long you feel comfortable with and it woke me up and it stopped my nightmare. not always having them but atleast if it was it didnt go too far.

hope to see you around, and take kare ok, things get better xxxxxxxxxxxx

25-12-07, 01:08
I've been really good for the last 6 months and now I just fee drained by it all.

I'm wondering if it's the build up to Christmas that has created extra stress for you both at work and at home. Hopefully once Christmas is over and you've had a break, the stress will lessen and you'll feel more able to cope as you were.

If you don't feel better after Christmas, you need to look at the causes that have created the extra stress. Rather than look at all your stresses together, break them down and look at each one individually to see what you can do to lessen each one.

I think the fears etc are being created by too much stress but also because "everything" feels too much to bear. If you find you need help to find ways, consider talking to a psychologist via your GP, if you haven't already.

I was in your position once and it took a psychologist to show me ways to lessen my load. Try to enjoy Christmas and forget your worries for a while.:hugs:

12-01-09, 20:36
Hi Bill (and others) - for your kind thoughts and words of encouragement. I think the rest over Christmas has helped a great deal, and I feel a lot more focussed and calm now. All the best and thanks once again....

12-01-09, 20:53
Hi GB,

I noticed your reply, have sent you a PM. I will be in chat for a little while if that helps.

Hope you are ok
