View Full Version : HORRIBLE Scary thoughts are back!

22-12-07, 12:01
i have been on citalopram for a few months and generally feeling better but still left with episodes of these horrible thoughts like i worry i am going to turn into a child molester and should be locked up in case i snap and do anything! it is so difficult for me to accept that these thoughts are simply anxiety when they feel so real. i have also had different scary thoughts in the past that now do not bother me in the slightest but am finding it hard to believe that this will pass too. anyone else been the same?:shrug:

Pink Princess
22-12-07, 13:09
just wanted to share a hug with you and say that this WILL pass. when you had the pother thoughts it would have felt liek they would never have passed? but they did, you fought that and got past it, well done for that. and you will get past this aswell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


22-12-07, 15:51
I know these thoughts are horrible, but as you said they are only thoughts and cannot harm anybody. Poeple don't turn into child molesters just by thinking about it, its all anxiety again. The trick is not to let the thoughts have any importance ( wish I could take my own advice lol:wacko: ) just let them go through your mind and out again. You will do it again this time as well.
Take care:hugs:

22-12-07, 17:53
If you're scared of these thoughts, there's NO WAY you'll ever act on them. You're always in control... no silly thoughts are going to make you do what you don't want to do.
It will pass when you accept that these thoughts are from fears that can't control you.
Good luck

22-12-07, 18:55
ok lets see if I can help.

Scary thoughts are your imagination your fears and your subconcious working double overtime - this will control your dreams , your thoughts and cause Havoc if you let it,

However it has no Control over your concious mind which is the working part of the brain the part that we use to walk, run , eat ect ....... So whilst we may think and suffer from these horrible thoughts they CANNOT interfere with our behaviour or who we are as people ,

The fear factor ie - the adrenalin can cause us to avoid situations and run from things we fear, and again this has nothing to do with going mad or snapping this is simply the bodies way of defending us from what the adrenalin is feeding it .

Try to remember too that people who do have these thoughts are caring , sensative loving people and this is why the thoughts repulse us so much, somebody who got kicks or really intended to act on these thoughts would NEVER be here seeking help .......... So pls trust in who you are and rest assured You will never ever act upon these thoughts and you will never snap or go mad , it simply NEVER HAPPENS

Wishing You the happiest of Christmas's

Michelle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx