View Full Version : Hi, glad I've found this place

24-02-05, 11:10
Hi everyone :D

I'm so glad I came across this forum, I think I am going to be staying for some time!

I've suffered with panic, anxiety & depression for about 15 years, more recently I have managed to control the panic attacks, now I have problems with OCD and habitual chronic hyperventilation which has led to other physical symptoms.

I don't go out to work at the moment, I have tried several jobs but as I have school children and no family around to help me during school holkidays etc the jobs never last. So I suppose I have far too much time to think about my problems and seem to get lower and lower. I seem to have shut myself off socially and wonder what my purpose in life is.....

Sorry I didn't mean this introduction to sound so miserable but I suppose if everything was honky dory I wouldn't be here would I?

Anyway looking forward to getting to know people in a simlar situation or to help others if I can.
Bye for now

24-02-05, 11:16
hi welcome to the forum im sure you will find being here really helpful i know i have the people are really nice and someone always replies to any questions you may have, i find it easier to take advice from people who have been where i am , hope you stay around for a while.

fan x

24-02-05, 11:39
Hi Delta,

Welcome to the forum.

When I started back to work, some 9 years ago now, I got a job in the kitchen of a college, where I worked term time only. Great when the kids were young!

My kids are now 13 and nearly 16 but my daughter has OCD and leaving her during the school hol's is completely out of the question. I am now working in a school kitchen so yet again get the hol's off.

This could be an answer to your present job problems and most school kitchens employ people for as little as 2 hours a day which could be ideal for you.

Kate x

24-02-05, 13:02
Hi Delta

Welcome to the site.

You'll get some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

24-02-05, 13:07
Hi Delta

Welcome to the forum, you will find everyone here very helpful, friendly and supportive and there are always people ready to listen to your problems and give advice. I know how isolating it can be when you are stuck at home thinking about your problems. I am in the same position as regard to looking for work as I too have 2 kids age 11 & 5 and nobody to help out during school holidays as my boyfriend works full-time and my mum has to take care of my 87 year old grandma so I couldn't expect her to look after them as she has enough on her plate at the moment. I would like to go back to work but have found it hard to find something that fits around school hours. I started a part-time college course in September doing physchology, it is only one afternoon a week but is a very intense course with plenty of essays's to write and I have found that this keeps me busy all week and has boosted my confidence and I have met lots of new people.

It is very easy to shut yourself off socially from people as I did this for nearly 4 years as I thought people would not understand my anxiety problems but I have found that by making that first step and going to college that people are a lot more understanding than you think as there are a few people on my course who have also suffered with panic attacks and anxiety disorders.

I still have bad days when I wonder what my purpose in life is mainly when I am stressed with the kids or boyfriend but then one of the kids will say something nice to me like "mummy I love you" and then I know what my purpose in life is, I have to carry on for them becuase they need me but sometimes it feels like I am being pulled in so many different directions and that everyone demands so much of my time that there is nothing left for me at the end of the day but I suppose that is part of being a mother.

Have you got any interests or hobbies that can help to keep you busy? I know it is not the weather for it at the moment but I found gardening very therapeutic, I grew all my own plants and flowers from seed last year and it gives you a real sense of satisfaction when you see them grow and flower. Anyway I am sure you will get lots of help and support here and I hope you feel a bit better soon.

Take care
Love Lisaxx

24-02-05, 13:18
Hi Delta

Welcome to the forum. You'll find lots of support and advice here.


24-02-05, 13:46
Hi Delta,

Welcome to the forum. I am a 'stay at home mum' with four children. I cannot go to work due to my family circumstances, so I know how you feel. Filling each day is hard at times. I have just started a new hobby. I am building a dolls house. It has kept me occupied for 3 days solid. Have you any hobbies at the moment. Could you consider taking up a new one.


24-02-05, 14:07
Thank you so much for your warm welcome :D

Thanks for the suggestion about the school job, I am keeping a close eye on all term-time vacancies, the jobs seem to get snapped up quite quickly.

Lisa rose
I did a p/t accounting course last year and I thorougly enjoyed it as it gave me a focus for the week also it was good to meet people even though those friendships seem to have dropped off now, everyone has gone their separate ways. I have been thinking about starting another course but am struggling to find a daytime course, a lot of them seem to run evenings. Psychology is something that has always interested me and I would love to study this, hopefully a course will come up this year that is during the day.

I do have some hobbies & interests, reading, I enjoy swimming, I spend time walking my dogs, I love crafts and I also love gardening. That's great that you grew all your plants from seed, do you have a greenhouse? I would love to do this.

I think I just need to find who I am again, I have lost my identity.


A dolls house is something I have been looking into for a while now, the only thing that has put me off is the cost, money is a big issue for us at the moment and unfortunately a lot of the hobbiew I want to take up are expensive. I would love to hear more about your house, how did you choose it, where did you get it etc?

Thanks again to everyone for their welcome :)

24-02-05, 14:18
Hiya Delta,

I bought a dolls house kit. The cheapest way is to buy on-line. The address of the web-site I use is www.dolls-house-parade.co.uk

Have a look and see what you think. It costs quite a lot for the kit, but after that you can add to it at your own pace to suit your budget.
E-bay also sell lots of dolls house stuff.

I have spent the last three days painting tiny windows and doors. Its very absorbing because it needs lots of concentration. I am making a flower shop with living accomodation above.


24-02-05, 15:04
Hi there Delta

A big welcome to you :D

Here's hoping you'll make lots of new friends here and will get all the help and advice you need to help you on your road to recovery.

Best wishes
Jo xx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

24-02-05, 16:56
hi, welcome to the site hope u find the help u want here. You do have a purpose, a good purpose u have children dont u, not and easy task bringing children up. and if you have children you also have a full time job? Its good for kids to come home and mum is there for them. anyway if u fancy a chat we have a chatroom on here too but not the dream chat not many use that. its at


take care, Vernon

24-02-05, 17:44
Hi Delta.

Welcome to the site, you will make lots of new friends here who will give you lots of help and support.

Take care

Elaine x

24-02-05, 19:57
Hi Delta

Welcome aboard the forum and I hope we can be of some help.

I love Dolls Houses too like Jude - take a look at http://www.mismatch.co.uk/dolls.htm

That is from my other website.

I buy a lot from Maple Street as it is near me but Dolls House Emporium are good too. The cheapest is Ebay of course!


25-02-05, 10:34
Hi again Delta, How are you today?

In answer to your question Do I have a greenhouse? The answer is I have one of those plastic greenhouses with 3 shelves in it, they are quite cheap around £20 I think I paid for it from B&Q and they are great as they don't take up a lot of room in the garden. I start the seeds off in trays and then cover them with clingfilm then put them in the airing cupboard for about a week or so then put them on my windowsill then when they have grown so tall I transfer them to the greenhouse. It is amazing how quick they grow and it is so much cheaper growing your own than buying them from garden centers as the seeds are so cheap. The kids love growing sunflowers and every year they have a competition to see who can grow the tallest sunflower, i label the pots with their names and they look after them and water them.

You would definately enjoy the Psychology course, mine is only two hours on a Monday 1pm-3pm. It is split into 3 modules and each lasts 10 weeks. The first one was called Psychology of Childhood and this was very interesting as it covers all aspects of how babies learn to make sense of the world and how things that happen in your chilhood can affect you in later life etc. The one I am in the middle of at the moment is Psychology of Mental Health and this is the one I was looking forward to the most as it covers Stress, Anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, bulimia and anorexia etc. The next one is Psychology of Crime and this will cover criminal behaviour, serial killers etc. Psychology is a subject that I find absolutely fascinating and If you have the opportunity then please GO FOR IT!!! I would dfinately like to do another course after this as I have got the learning bug now which is funny as I hated school and couldn't wait to leave!

Anyway sorry to ramble on and I hope this gives you some ideas.

Take care

Love Lisaxx

25-02-05, 11:30
Hi Lisa rose

Today is going fine, I help out in school on Friday mornings with reading.

Don't worry, you're not rambling on, it's great to hear from you :)

That's a great idea about the greenhouse, I have often looked at the plastic ones and wondered if they would be as good. Where do you buy your seeds? Are they cheaper mail order? I buy the odd one or two packets each year for the children to grow but I've never grown anything serious from seed. I would love to grow the seeds for my summer tubs and baskets as the cost can be quite high to buy all the plants. What sort do you grow from seed.

Thanks for the info about the course, what level are you studying, is it A level? There is an open day coming up shortly at our college I might pop along and see if there is anything suitable for me. I know what you mean about getting the learning bug, when my course finished last year I really missed it, I was dying to get started on something new, I hated school too but couldn't wait to do my homework each week :D

Bye for now

25-02-05, 11:59
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">... we have a chatroom on here too but not the dream chat not many use that. its at


take care, Vernon

<div align="right">Originally posted by vernon - 24 February 2005 : 16:56:29</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi vernon
Thanks for your kind words, I feel that it is a full time job but it's amazing how many people don't, they always want to know what I do all day!

Thanks for the link to the chat, when is the best time to go in there?
Look forward to chatting soon.


25-02-05, 14:17
best time for chat is after 8.30pm

fan x

25-02-05, 15:37
hi delta, welcome to the site and i hope you learn some ways to combat your demons, good luck and take care

25-02-05, 16:28
Hi donna,

Well done for managing your panics .

What are you doing to manage your hyperventilation as you will feel a whole lot better once you do ?

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

25-02-05, 16:52
Hi Meg
I had physio to try and improve my hyperventilation but it didn't help, I was then referred to an ENT specialist who has recommended I have septoplasty to correct a deviated nasal septum. I'm hoping once this is done I will be able to manage my breathing a bit better.

25-02-05, 17:39
You might want to try a meditation , yoga or Tai chi class in the meantime.

They all take breathing correctly very seriously indeed.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance