View Full Version : have no appeitite

22-12-07, 16:54
hi all,

this last week i have had no appetite and shakey feelings inside, cant be bothered to do anything and am getting panicy cause cant eat, any advice or help out there?

22-12-07, 20:40
its a catch 22 situation,because you don,t feel lkie eating you are feeling shakey ,and because of these feelings your appetite has disappeared.try to just eat a little of what you fancy at the time and take it from there.
i know its a horrible feeling to have

22-12-07, 22:06

I had the same. I lost about 7 pounds in total. I did push myself to eat, it was if I was eating cardboard. I just had no desire to eat. I found that I would find 6-8 very small meals worked better. I started eating less fatty and lighter foods. Vegetables, soups, fish all very healthy. I still continue to eat smaller amounts and light meals. My stomache feels like somebody has inflated it otherwise. Strange though some goods I had a phenomenal drive to eat chocolate etc... I used to say it was my normal self trying to fight the change.

Cook all your meals from the basics. Don't buy processed muck. You will find your diet becomes fantastic.

Merry Xmas
