View Full Version : I'm always finding lumps, dang it...

22-12-07, 21:02
I found another one, on my collarbone. It's hard, and really small (like a pea or maybe less), feels like it's part of the bone or something. But as you can imagine, it's freaking me out and making me think I could have cancer or something.
Does anyone know what bad lumps normally feel like? Any reassurance or anything lol? It's Christmas so I can't really go to the Doctor right now...

22-12-07, 21:41
I am the same. I am always checking everywhere and thinking i have cancer. In my breasts, stomach, spine, you name it, I have worried that I will have it.
Chances are I will get ran over by a bus when I am in my eighties, but I still cannot stop worrying neurotically about my health. I have just had flu and thought it was prob something more sinister.
Ridiculous. Me, I mean, not you!!! LOL
Stop looking for things, stop focusing inwardly, take the focus off yourself and concentrate on enjoying life (god if only it was so easy to practise what I preached) Take care and dont worry. xxx

22-12-07, 23:13
Sounds like a calcium lump. very common in the collarbone/ shoulder region, its basically calcified bone growth, sometimes caused by previous injury or overgrowth of calcium. google it you'll find loads on it, not serious at all. good luck.

23-12-07, 01:43
I get all sorts of lumps and bumps in that area but remember you are younge chances of cancer are very small and if you are worried about breast lumps or something like that 9 out of 10 lumps are not cancerious. I would say check after you period and if it's still there go to the doc (thats what my docs say to me anyway) most of the time they go on there own. Still I know it's a worrying thought.

Hope it goes away soon and hope you enjoy Christmas.
Take care,

23-12-07, 08:52
Thanks everyone, I'll try. You all have a good Christmas too!