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View Full Version : I need an advice from all of you

24-02-05, 14:48
Hi Everyone

I need an advice from all of you..I have been suffering depression and ocd since october 2003.I have change 2 medication.I was on lustral 50mg and it was doing allright and when i am going to start to work it hits me again and i visited my psychiatrits and she gave me 100mg lustral and it didnt work out..and then i came off lustral and have been started mirtazapine 30mg and it has been 6 weeks today..and it does good and bad..my thoughts are everywhere ..i still feel the anxiety and lunmb in the throat sometimes shaking(feeling like),so much sensitive and emotional...i thought Nhs is no good especially the counsellors in andover..my psyhiatrist is nice but sometimes i feel like she is not sure..but this time i visited her today..she said we need to keep going on one tablet we havent tired the 45 mg yet..cause i feel still depressive,obsessive thoughts and anxiety..she said u are having a though one this time and it needs time..

My question is shall stick with Nhs and give a go for 45 mg or shall i need piravate care..cause its really tiring and in some ways this tablet goos but still no concentration..lots of weird thoughts exc. which one is better i honestly dont know..i respect to the all doctors..today i am mentioning my obsessive thoughts and she said 45 mg gives you more serotonine so that u might will better..

any idea???

many thanks

'Why do stars shine?' asked Piglet.
'They are full of wishes,' replied Pooh.

24-02-05, 15:24
hi sorry to hear your having a bad time, i cannot help with the medication questions but im sure some one on here can. i think your psychiatrist is right when she says its gonna take time as there are no quick fixes on this and it does get better although right now you probably think its not going to, sorry i couldnt be more helpful but hang in there you will get through this.

fan x

24-02-05, 22:08
I am not much help either cos I don't take meds anymore but respect your decision to take them.

When they didn't work for me I realised that I had to find an alternate cure and that is what I did. Meds work for loads of people and give them a break from the symptoms but there is still the underlying problem to cure.

I would say that if you don't feel any better after 18 months then it is time to change meds again or stop altogether and try to fix the problems once and for all.


25-02-05, 12:12
Hi there

As the others have already said, be very, very careful. I really would suggest you go back to your GP, explain what you've explained to us and see if there is anything he or she can do for you to help in the short term. At least you'd know what you were getting.

In my experience, no valium does not mix well with alcohol so avoid mixing.

Best wishes

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

25-02-05, 12:48
Thanks for replying.Ofcourse i would not want to take medication..but if you have obsesive compulsive disorder plus anxiety huge amount and feeling sick cant eat..how can i cure myself cause my concentration is so low as well cant listen to anybody much all stupid thoughts in my mind..so trying really..i want to see the light really..go back to work..i want to be old myself bubbly cheerfull Ceren...

'Why do stars shine?' asked Piglet.
'They are full of wishes,' replied Pooh.

25-02-05, 13:58
hi i dont take the medication you mentioned but i have taken other ones and now i still take night ones i dont think there is anything wrong with taking them and think if it helps you then do it . it wont be forever it just helps you get on an even keel and gives you some sort of rational thinking to be able to work on. good luck in whatever you decide to do

fan x