View Full Version : Horrible Symptoms & Worries

23-12-07, 15:17
Hi Everyone. I'm totally at my wits end with worry over my health, I am so scared I have convinced myself this is my last christmas without even being diagnosed with anything, the symptoms just seem so awful. I have continuous muscle twinges in my fingers, arms, legs, feet, along with a pain in my upper right arm which is like a dull pain which comes and goes. As well as this I have pains in my ankles, and have strange rashes which come and go on my arms. I keep thinking MS, HIV, Blood CLOTS, circulation problems.

I went to the Doc's about 2 months ago, and was told it was a virus and that I would get flu and it would pass. I was really disappointed with the help as although it was reassuring - I know it is not the case. I aim to go back in the new year but I am even more scared about going for tests and letting this thing completely taking over my life. I just want to be normal again, I have always been healthy and in the past 4 months have just changed. Are my symptoms anxiety related? I don't even know what is real or not anymore with my pain.

23-12-07, 15:30
Hi Matty,

Sorry to hear you are having a rough time.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I think,firstly,you need to get a proper diagnosis from your Doctor.This would include finding a G.P you have confidence in.Any treatment you get needs to be on that sound footing.
It is easy to feel over-whelmed by these problems so try to deal with each day as it comes.Make sure you eat properly,rest properly and contine to talk about your feelings.
Patience at times of stress will be a good friend to you as will the people here.
Best wishes,

23-12-07, 18:31
hi there.

it does sound like health anxiety to me - the reason i say this is the level of worry you are experiencing. there are lots of viruses around at this time of year and anxiety can cause the most intense physical symptoms too. no one likes to think they are ill but why i would say it is health anxiety is that you say you are scared of having tests/letting it overtake your life? surely some blood tests just to check everything is normal would put your mind at rest and if they found something (which i am sure they won't) - you can get treatment you need. the more tense and worried you are - the worse you wil feel so try and relax and enjoy your christmas. you may well feel better by new year but if not - i am sure your gp can put your mind at rest. x