View Full Version : Falling backwards

23-12-07, 16:52
I am feeling so terrible today and have been for the last three weeks. I November i hadn't left the house for nine months. Then a person helped me to start going out and i managed to go to very local places. I managed to get into the city and was passed on to another person. She is really nice but beause i am out of the catchment area she cannot do home visits. I have seen her 3 times now. Then about 3 weeks ago i couldn't face goiong out. I the anixity didnt go down and it was a real battle that left me dreading the next time i went out. Then the last visit to my new person was very hard as a) i hadent been out for a week
b) i was left at the centre while my dad went shopping
c) we had a really tough meeting.
The drive home was a nightmare as i ws a complete bag of nerves. That was two weeks ago and again i haven't been out since. In the meeting i was talking about things i never have been able to put into words and it made me feel sick. I couldnt stop crying and the lady seemed worried about me. Now she says i have to see another doctor to reveiw my medication and a more sinier doctor to talk to on a regular basis. Talking about thoses thinks though has made me feel constantly fearful and sick and increased the racing thoughts images and smells i get.
I dont know how i am going to be able to get back there on the 3rd. Also if i do see another doctor as well i dont know how i will get there. I cannot keep asking Dad to take me as he is meant to be working and its a 40 min drive there so he loses about 3 hours. My mum wants me to go out with the family over christmas and i cannot. She wants me to come to the new year dinner and i have been dreading it ever since. They dont understand. They think if i can do it once then of course i can do it again. Or i get told of for going backwards or not going out. Every time i cannot go out they sigh and ask well why not.
I really don't know what to do. I keep having ideas of suicide which scares the hell out of me becase i don't really want to die. Im scared though my mood will take over and i will have no control. I know that may sound stupid and i dont think it could happen but its still really unplesent.
I cannot see how i am ever going to have a normal life ever again. The panic attacks seem like they will always be there and i will always feel anxious and have all the bad stuff in my head. I am desbratly tring to get my degree through the open uni but i have to do 4 residential units to pass and if i dont then it will all be for nothing.
I am sorry. I am just having a really bad rant. I dont know what else to do. I have spent all last night like a fountain. Why can't i just chill out, relax, enjoy the holiday and start going out again.

23-12-07, 22:45
Blackie, I really feel for you and you sound exhausted. you've worked so hard and clearly made progress and now having a blip. I'd suggest you give yourself a break and take time to reflect on the progress you have made, keep a diary and write your thoughts every day so you can look at it with a measure of perspective and calm. Others might suggest you don't back out now because it 'll be harder to get back into when you start again. It sounds as though you have good medical input and may be wise to be guided by them, just hang on and wait for your next appointment.
It's tough when those closest to us have little or no understanding of our problems, it makes it so much harder for us battling on in despair! It would be great if there was a brief publication for us to shove in front of partners/parents/friends, just letting them know what's going on and for them to be supportive and patient.
I'll be thinking of you and hope you come back and tell us that things have improved very soon.