View Full Version : Migraine associated vertigo treatment

23-12-07, 18:20
Hi there. Ages ago I posted on here when I was really unsure what was wrong with me. It has taken 4 months so far to get a diagnosis but finally got a referral to Neurology hospital in London and have been dxd with Migraine Associated Vertigo. I am now on a preventative drug called Topomac which is an anti-convulsant. Trouble is I have read all the contra indications on the leaflet, been on the drug website, read posts from previous users etc and am now feeling very negative about any good effect this drug will have on me. Of course this is such a bad thing to feel as I want to feel that something positive will happen.
How do others cope with the fear of side effects ONLY happening to them from drugs and not the good things?
Also, any other MAV sufferers out there? It is apparently very closely associated to panic disorder.
I am chronically light headed/dizzy/have a feeling of fullness in my right ear/a lot of nausea and occasional migraine headaches.

24-12-07, 15:40
Hi Hedgebetty

I have a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia and I too have been prescribed an anti convulsent (Tegretol though not Topamac). You are right about the side effects, this type of medication do cause alot of side effects. Most of them are rare (i care for people with epilepsy so have some knowledge of this) but some I think are quite common. Drowsines being the main one. I suppose it depends on the severity of your symptoms as to whether you choose to take the medication. I have chosen not to. My condition means I get severe electric shock type pains in my face. Really painful, more than you can imagine but Id rather this than feel drowsy. Hope that is of some help :)

25-12-07, 03:05
I was also diagnosed with the migraine associated vertigo. It sounds like we have had the same thing. I went through a phase of having terrible vertigo, a full feeling in my left ear, and headaches on and off. I was prescribed something that I refused to take. (I think it was called a calcium channel blocker) Anyway, the symptoms have gone. I have found that when I lose the fear things are not too bad. I still get the vertigo every now and then, which is terrible... But I just keep myself calm, and go lie down. I have been taking tylonal for the headaches, and the ear still comes and goes, but again I try to ignore it. Anyway, my point is I totally feel for you. Sometimes medication (or fear of it) can make our anxiety 10 times worse, which of course will only cause more migraines. I have found that by addressing the anxiety, the symptoms have improved greatly.