View Full Version : Ear infection

24-12-07, 10:55
I recently developed an ear infection, this morning I had some severe pain in it now I am worried the drumb has burst and the infected matter is now proceeding to flow into my sinuses and infect my brain though there is no fluid from my actual ear at all just a strange taste in my mouth.

stupidly I looked it up and they said sometimes you can get meningitus because of middle ear infections. But I am on antibiotics so I don't know why I am in a flat panic. this is my first 24 hours of antibiotics, I feel so sick with worry wish it would go awa, I am worried about even getting meningitus which apparently you can get from an ear infection. I hate all this panic, I have been doing so well :(

24-12-07, 16:56
Hi, sorry your feeling bad at the moment. I'm sure you won't get menigitis as you are on antibiotics. I know what it is to worry all the time, but it will get better. Hope you feel ok for xmas, have a good one.:hugs: :hugs:

25-12-07, 22:00
i had a middle ear infection last year, was a bad one!
dont worry, easy to say, but ear infections are very common and being on anti biotics will take care of it, they do take a couple of days to notice the work they are doing for you.

take care of yourself, eat well, sleep lots and try to enjoy xmas the best you can

28-12-07, 23:57
Hi Janieb,

Am a bit late on this one.. sorry... I had an ear infection there a couple of weeks after my first panic attack... and because of all the sensations i felt brought my panic levels up further... it was at this appointthat I told my doctor (briefly) about my panics and was then that he gave me the diaz....

I suppose my point here is that my ear took 3 weeks to heal up purely due to the fact that I was totally stressed out about it.. went on 3 courses of antib's, the last I got a shot in the bum n went on drops..... Try your best not to stress or panic about the ear infection.. yes they're horrible but I had 4 docs appointments for my ear!!! Needlessly as I was told to calm down as I was my own worst enemy..... Thankfully I have a great (and patient) doctor!!!!
Go back if you're still worried, but try to relax!