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24-12-07, 11:36
Hi i am really struggling. i know i should just try and forget and put aside this awful symptom. i just feel so detached. i can't think straight and have no emotion. i feel so helpless because i want this to go away and have my normal happy life again. i suppose it will go in its own time but while i am so scared of it i suppose it won't. I know its all part of the anxiety. i don't know how i managed to get myself into such a state. everything just seems so unreal and out of focus and i don't know what i am doing anymore. just ride the storm i suppose. is this normal for not to be able to think straight or don't know anything anymore well you do but are unable to do anything about it. I have suffered from the derealization but the depersonalisation is something fairly recent. i was always able to function but now i just find it so difficult. Has anybody ever felt this bad and managed their feelings to subside.thanks for listening

24-12-07, 11:59
Hi Sherdac, Did you get the attachment? It talks about the DP in there and tells you how to cope with it and all the other anxiety symptoms too. I really understand what you are going through as I am in a state of DP right now and have been there much of the time since July last year. It does go when you get your focus off it Sherdac but of course its not that easy finding the thing that takes your focus of it, I know. You are right, the more you and I are scared of this feeling, the longer it will stay. And yes it is part of anxiety. Its meant to be, according to Paul David who wrote the book, our tired minds just switching off. Its a protection thing really. We spend so much time focussing inwards when we are in an anxiety state that it results in the DP. Or so I have read anyway. So I am sat here feeling like I will disappear totally any minute now but I am going to have to try and accept it and not be fearful. And yes I have always managed to function but this is the pits isnt it. My feelings are all upside down too. This WILL stop but we have to accept it and take it a day at a time. Remember you are NOT alone and I am feeling the same.

Love Shirley

24-12-07, 12:50
Hi basil cat i have downloaded the attachment. thanks a lot willhave a read later as i have a house full just now.

24-12-07, 12:59
Hi Sherdac, Glad you have managed to download the attachment. There are quite a lot of pages to the book but I think its really good and Paul David was affected with anxiety for 10 years!! He started to overcome it when he finally understood what was happening. Thats another of the keys, understanding what is happening to you.

Hope you have a lovely Xmas Sherdac, even though you have got the DP. I hope I do too. Am always here or on the e-mail of you want to chat.

24-12-07, 13:03
By the way Sherdac, I am off balance at times too. I just read your comments re being off balance at another post. It makes it unpleasant going into town or anywhere else doesnt it. Probably for me, being off balance and the DP are my worst symptoms.

Wish I could just focus elsewhere. I should try and get into my card making but I find it hard concentrating on anything these days.


24-12-07, 20:27
I too have had this symptom on and off for a few years. It always feels so horrible each and everytime. Distraction works best for me. I know how horrible it makes you feel. Just know you are not alone. BasilCat - What is the title of the book you are talking about?
Take care,

24-12-07, 21:35
Hi again Michelle, I am glad you understand how I feel. Its not good this DP is it and it interferes so much with your every day life, although I do try and go out somewhere every day. Or at least most days anyway. It makes it all so unpleasant though doesnt it. If I could just stop analyzing how I am feeling and watching myself....

If you send me a PM with your e-mail address on, I will send you a copy of the book as an attachment if you like. It talks about DP (or unreality) in there as well as all anxiety symtoms and tells you how to help your self and that you must accept how you are feeling etc. Well worth looking at.

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