View Full Version : pain in my left rib

24-12-07, 17:06
hey all hope every1 has a very merry xmas and a happy new year................

hi i was wondering if any1 cud help me iamgoing out of my mind with panic last night i had this sharp shooting pain in my left rib i had this before but i cant help thinking i pulmory embolism not sure if spelt rgt?!
my ribs r sore left side same with my back on the left side.... i hav been on google all day trying to find out what it can be other than a blood clot in my ling which is what i think it is............any suggestions will b grateful x

24-12-07, 17:10
hi there,

i have been having a ain in my right rib and side now for 2 weeks at first i thought it was a water infection, but doctor said i have got to go for a scan on my gall bladder,. I dont think it affects the left rib though, maybe you have strained it or pulled a muscle in some way. its really annoying, try not to google as you will worry yourself silly. easier said than done i know, i have had everything in the past two weeks from water infection to appendicitis.

hope you feel better soon


24-12-07, 17:16
Try not to worry too much, it could be a simple as a pulled muscle, or even IBS, I have IBS and get a lot of pain around my ribs.

Try to relax and enjoy your Christmas, stop looking up symptoms on the internet! (I do this too but its very naughty and doesnt help at all! :hugs:

26-12-07, 20:59

I had a pain in my lower right hand side of my rib which i could feel when lying on my side. It felt as if I had a lump there. I went to the docs again and when he pressed it he said it was the muscle inbetween the ribs that was sore and that it would take a while to go as I am using my ribs all the time to breath. I was calmed by that diagnosis and went home. Now it has gone...another symptom uncovered.

Dont worry it's probably just a tender interconnecting muscle, between the ribs.
