View Full Version : I feel terrible

25-12-07, 02:41
I started feeling ill about 5pm and since then i've just got worse and worse.

I *think* i have a sinus infection (i've had four bad cases before). My face is THROBBING, my head aches like hell, my nose is bunged, i feel frozen cold and whats worse is that i have no painkillers in the house.

I had a bath to see if the steam would clear my sinuses a bit, but i've got out feeling 20 times worse.

I can't sleep and my little boy will be up in less that 5 hours.

What a day to get sick :(


25-12-07, 09:05
Oh you poor thing. Are you feeling any better yet? I'm sure there will be somewhere open for you to buy painkillers from. Or perhaps you could ask a friend, neighbour or relative to drop some round to you? :hugs:

25-12-07, 09:12
do you have any vick in the house
if so put some of that in hot water and inhale the fumes
there is always a chemist open for a hour on christmas day if you can locate one.
if you dont have the vick just try boiling water in a dish cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam.
i hope you are feeling better soon.

25-12-07, 10:10
Just want to send you a hug for xmas:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

25-12-07, 11:53
http://www.yourcoolprofile.com/Images/Hugs_And_Kisses/images/hugs-kisses--08.gif sending you christmas :hugs: hugs :hugs: :hugs:

25-12-07, 14:10
Thank you all..
My husband went to the petrol station and got me some lemsip. I took a sachet at 10am and i'm not feeling any better, in fact they make me feel pukey too :(

Crappy Christmas!


Pink Princess
25-12-07, 14:13
awwwwww bluebell xxxxxx


hope you feel better soon and today picks up for you!!

have loads of gentle hugs from me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-12-07, 14:57
awww hope you feel better soon tc elaine xx

25-12-07, 20:13
Hi Bluebell,

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Get well soon.
Best wishes,