View Full Version : Not so good

25-12-07, 12:06
Well its christmas morning,and it feels the same as any other day.
We are expecting my partners mum and sister round to our house for dinner,will be seven of us at my mums house.(I live at home)
Dads cooking and you can feel the tension,the atmosphere is not good.

We open our pressies in the afternoon,so hopefully it may be a little more relaxed by then.
Im really anxious and feel sick,just want to curl up on the sofa in front of the tv and go to sleep,but cant.

My brother who is stopping for christmas(he has bipolar and alcoholic problem)has gone back to bed!!!!!!!Thats annoyed me:mad:
Im just having a moan,dont mind me!!!!:weep: :weep:

There just is not christmas atmosphere at all,are we to old or what.

Pink Princess
25-12-07, 14:05
awwww, i hope things have picked up for you xx give my newfie hugs please from me xxxxx

i really do hope today turns out better than what you think :)

love and hugs xxxx happy christmas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-12-07, 14:46
Aaw Ellen,

Big Christmas Ugs for you

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Maybe sometimes we build up a vision of what Christmas should be - and then feel let down when it doesn't turn out like that? Especially when there's tension in the family.

My lot are all snoring their heads off in the chair - when I'd like to go out for a brisk walk:mad: but then in fairness hubby is tired, and eldest daughter has to start on duty at 3.00pm........but the Christmas Fairy has just dished up, cleared up , and washed up :shrug: :blush: !! And mother dear is busy rustling her carrier bags waiting for the Queen's Speech!

Hope your day improves soon though,:blush:

lotsa luv :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

25-12-07, 20:15
Hi Ellen,

Hope your day has got better.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Best wishes,

26-12-07, 02:53
hi ellen. hope your day gets better for you
love debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

26-12-07, 20:55

Hope christmas went well for you hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


26-12-07, 23:49
Thanks everyone.The day turned out ok in the end.Had a lovely dinner,bit more chilled out in the afternoon.Watching my dogs tearing open there pressies made my day.:yesyes:

26-12-07, 23:53
Aww Ellen

So pleased to hear the day got better for you hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


27-12-07, 21:46
That's great news Ellen!

So glad your day turned out better than you expected - bet that was a luvly sight seeing your dogs opening their pressies! But, tell me, did they just end up playing with the paper like the kids do? lol !!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

27-12-07, 23:27
Buddy takes his toys of to play,but Ollie wants to rip the paper off everybody elses presents.:D :D Bless him:hugs: