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View Full Version : Shooting pains in chest

26-12-07, 21:25
Hi All

Hope Xmas wasn't all
that bad.

I have had to come out of the front room. I have been in all day with the kids etc.. I had a bad night as kept waking up with my youngest (13 Mnths) screaming his head off most of the night with belly ache. As the tiredness sets in and the monotony of Xmas TV takes its toll I find myself feeling a shooting pain under my left breast. Then after tuning in to that pain I am getting a stabbing pain just above my left elbow. Now my chest feels all tight and the dissiness sets in to help the anx. Just about to take a asprin, just in case.

I am paronoid about having Elevated blood pressure on one occasion.

Can anyone ease my thoughts.


27-12-07, 22:36
Those pains you describe are the result of sheer physical stress. You are running around after a toddler so I am not surprised you are feeling tension and tightness in your chest and shoulders. This is most likely also contributing towards the feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness (tightness in the shoulders and back of neck).

I have the same problems when I have been overdoing it physically and when I am also mentally stressed since I carry the tension in my upper body. It can really make you feel rotten and times. The funny thing is that when I am in this state my blood pressure is completely normal.

Try and take time out just to physically calm your muscles down. I find that sometimes just laying flat in the floor for 10 minutes helps give temporary relief.
