View Full Version : pulimonary enbolism fear

26-12-07, 21:51
hello only me again......................... wen i posted my last thread abt the pain in my ribs which has gone for the moment but....... iam still thinking i have a pulmonary enbolisim shit its crap feelin like this:weep: i know i shouldnt have looked up google grrrrr but i cud not help myself....... so therefore iam sittin in panic yet again waitin for it 2 hit me!!!! i just wanna know if i did have this wud my doc hav spottd it wen i was there last (thot i was havin a heart attack doc sed panic attacks) thou i really did hav these god forsaken pains.... i want to go to my docs about my latetest illness i think i have but iam scared i know docs r ther to help but shel b thinkin o its jill again wats wrong with her now!!! can some body plese tell me if i was to have this p.e i wud surely know abt it
i know am not makein sence SORRY :ohmy: just wanna get a full ngts sleep without worrying xxx hope every1 had a gud xmas xx

26-12-07, 22:05
Ok you don't have it - it is in your mind and stop googling please!

26-12-07, 23:03
Hi Jillian,

I agree - You do not have it.
- Googling does your head in.

Accept this and give yourself a break.
Best wishes,

26-12-07, 23:13
Hello :)

I freaked out about this once after a chest pain I had after swimming. After seeing several Doctors and Nurses and telling them I thought I had multiple DVT's and PE's, I finally realised it really was just chest wall strain.

The nurse said to me...'Pulmonary Embolism is a peri-mortal sign...if you really had one, you wouldn't be able to keep coming to the surgery to ask' :winks:

I think it is always wise to err on the side of caution with chest pains and get checked out by the GP, but really, I don't think you have a PE.

Relax! And quit Googling!

xxx :flowers:

27-12-07, 11:49
hi all thanks for the replys i didnt have a chest pain it was more of a shooting pain in my left rib and it went right to my shoulder and my ribs wer achy for a couple of days i know iam freakin out but i cant help it i had this pain i just described when i was was pregnant with my youngest daughter its so weird i only get like 1s in a blue moon but wen i do get it it scares the shit out of me as the shooting pain is very sore then it just goes ?????????? i have noticed every1 on heres docs have refered them to get scans ect on there chest mines didnt he just listend to my chest and took my bp and said all was fine and said i sufferd panic attacks which i already knew so ive went from heart attack to p.e. not to mention my brain tumor (l'Ol) i cant help thinkin the worst its awful i do want to stop i do have perid wer iam fine then al get a shooting pain twinge or headache and am back to having this tht n the next thing its very frustrating iand i know its gettn worse bcause when my kids get sick i start to imagin the worst though i dnt let thm see me reactin like this i go to my room and cry bcause iam scared and bein very stupid i really do think iam loosin the plot sometimes i just want 2 b normal like my friend n family ..sorry iam goin on and on !!!!! i cant talk to no1 else they tell me iam just bein daft and call me a hypcondria which i know iam i just dont want to have any bad illlness in me iam sick of freakin out and i wish i can have a body scan to just so i can see for myself what goin on in tht body o mine

27-12-07, 12:06
*hugs* Jillian hun

I did have a PE 11 years ago which was pregnancy related and hun you know when you have one, there is no suspicion involved, it is very clear that its a PE and not anxiety...

Please don't google as its not worth the upset *wishes she could take some of her own advice lol*

Don't be afraid of going to your doc's again, remember they get very well paid to see you and don't be afraid of asking for tests to be done...

27-12-07, 14:50
hi dyin swan i dont htink there is any history of p.e in my family i dnt smoke i quit wen i first i got my first chest pain i tyook tht as a sign to stop!!!i hav 3 kids to run around after and a hubby so i getplenty of exerices lol i just wanna thanx u and dimblonde for ur advice a feel a lil bit better u know all i wantd for my christmas was for these horrible thots and pains i suffer to bog off for 1s and for all guess its gonna take more than a wish to cure me!!! thanxs again u 2 u really hav cheerd me up and setteld me dwn :)

27-12-07, 17:37
God arent we all giving ourselves hell. I am still, a week on from flu suffering with pains in the legs, they feel stiff achey and heavy, I am convincing myself that either it is my varicose veins about to give me thrombosis, or that I have the beginnings of MS or something...... I neurotically check them, feel them, twiddle my toes, assess them........ it is doing my nut. I am scared, resisited the urge to go to the Doc today as I am sure they have seen enough of me, lol, logically I know I am prob ok, but rest assured, you are not alone. It is a horrible feeling, but try not to focus too much inwardly, distract yourself. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx