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View Full Version : Cold virus/sinus or leaking brain fluid!

26-12-07, 22:22
Only a health anxiety sufferer could come up with this one.

For past three months on and off both myself and my husband have been getting days where it seems as if we are going to come down with a cold - one side of nose runs and face feels as if its very full ears feel full and generally achy all over. Wake up in morning very bunged up on the one side etc but after two days of this wham all gone back to normal. We don't get it together at same time but one of other of us will say every couple of weeks or more that we feel like this. My husband was convinced on xmas eve that he was in for a bad cold but today he's fine. I know there are huge amount of people very ill with flu like bug with cold and bad chests as nearly everyone we have met recently is ill. Going shopping sounds like you are in a TB sanotorium!

Anyway I suddenly remembered watching a programe on tv about a woman who had a constantly running nose like tap water and when it didn't clear up after a few weeks was sent to ENT and she had leaking brain fluid because a hole had appeared at top of her nose into brain. The reason it was on TV was because it was extremely rare - it was on that morning hospital programme that was live.

I know I am being daft here and can laugh at myself about it but anyoneelse experiencing this on off cold???

26-12-07, 22:58
Hi Countrygirl,

Seasons greetings to you!!

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

There are countless numbers of viruses and bugs doing the rounds especially at this time of year.I get the flu jab every year but still get plenty of sniffles,etc.
It is highly unlikely that you have the brain condition just a runaway brain which I certainly have from time to time!
Check out the info down the left hand side of the page.You are certainly not alone in having health worries."How to cope" may assist you.
Best wishes,

26-12-07, 23:19
Evening :)

Yep I get this. I often feel like I'm in for a cold...blocked nose, sore throat etc...go to bed, wake up bunged up (one side in particular), and then it goes away again.

I have no idea what causes it. Personally, I think it might be some sort of mild allergy. I notice that it's particularly bad when I'm working. I'm allergic to the soap (and do a job where I have to wash my hands a lot). After 3 days of constant handwashing, my hands and arms are covered in a rash. Occupational health couldn't figure out why my legs were getting rashy too. All I can think is that my whole body becomes a bit sensitive, and so I get a snuffly nose too.

Have you thought about that? Maybe you both have some sort of mild allergy?

I could be wrong, but I think it's most unlikely that both you and your husband have a rare brain-fluid-leakage condition ;)

xxx :flowers:

27-12-07, 22:27
thanks both - its def a cold, my head and face feels like it should look like a pumpkin all round and shiny with the pressure. Glad you could also laugh at my wonky brain jumping to such a stupid and way out reason, what an example of how bad we are with this health anxiety.

I have spoken to 5 people today who all are full of cold!

27-12-07, 22:36
My husband and i have both come down with exactly what you are describing. Its funny since we never go out together (me being agorphobic), yet we get ill at the same time.
Christmas Eve/Christmas Day my nose was dripping so much i couldn't get tissue quick enough.
Today though i am bunged with nothing up my nose to blow. I feel achey, tired and generally unwell. Its the time of the year, there is loads of it about.