View Full Version : Flippin Bug!!!!!

27-12-07, 12:34
Hi Peeps:D

Just after some advice......

I dont have health anxiety but this is giving me it rapidly!!!!

Ok 11 days ago I got an awful cough!!!

This lasted 2 days then changed into really sore ribs and a stinking cold!!

Followed by a throat that felt full of feathers and was agony!!!

So last Saturday I went to the walk in centre who told me it was just a bug and not to worry!!!

I keep retching all the time and have eaten nothing hardly for 11 days now!!

Today my nose and throat are bone dry, and I still feel like poo!!!

Any one else had this lately and how long does it take to go????

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-12-07, 13:30
Hugs Kaz :hugs:

I hope you feel better soon.

Karen xx

27-12-07, 14:31
Hope that you feel better soon. I got the flu two weeks ago, and just starting to feel better again. It sucks I know , but make sure you drink lots.

Take Care
Tina xxxxxxxxx

27-12-07, 14:37
Hope you feel better soon Kaz :hugs:

Lisa x

27-12-07, 14:38
Hi Kazzie,

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Get well soon.
2-3 weeks should be the limit for this.
Keep drinking plenty of fluids.
Best wishes,

27-12-07, 23:26
Hi Kazzie

I can sympathise with you. :hugs: I had something similiar and it lasted 4 weeks, dry throat, constant tickle (couldn't stop coughing day and night). It then left for 2 weeks and returned for a further 3 weeks. I was only getting 3-4 hours sleep per night. I went to the doctor and was told I probably had a nasty virus initially but because I was run down I was hit with a secondary infection. I ended up being prescribed antibiotics.

I finished the course yesterday and feel much better but that is after 2 months of hell.

Just you take things easy and look after yourself. :flowers:

27-12-07, 23:32
Hope you feel better soon Kazz:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-12-07, 07:33
Hi Kazzie darling
Lovely to speak to you last night - i have had this flipping bug for nearly two weeks now - and its a pain in the ****!!!!! and the nose, throat, and everywhere else!!! lol
Xmas has been really difficult as I have felt so exhausted all the time plus I've had a return of various anxiety symptoms, mainly nausea, headaches and waking very early - trouble is, its difficult to know whats the bug and whats the anxiety. Anyway, beginning to feel a bit better now although, i still dont want to eat much - so shall we go on a liquid diet?????!!!!
speak to you soon.
Cheers - Happy New Year and all that!!

Judi xxxxxxx

Pink Princess
28-12-07, 09:54

hope you feel better soon kaz kaz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

lots of love and hugs from minnie and kick up the bum too :)

28-12-07, 13:45
Thanks Everyone:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

28-12-07, 19:27
Hi Kazzie

Hope today you have been feeling better:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
