View Full Version : I want this holiday season over!

27-12-07, 16:13
Anyone like me? I hate this time of the year when everywhere is so full of......those nasty things.....what do you call them.....oh yes.... people! I am sooooooooooooooo anti social but I just hate being in amongst lots of them Even popping to Tesco for a pint of mik you would think someone really famous and sexy was there giving away signed copies of his boxer shorts or something!

My family and I have been ill all over the past two days so I was stir crazy. We went out to a shopping centre as we needed a new toaster and DVD player. Every one I wanted, they were sold out! They weren't even on sale FFS! I got one after my hubby disagreed with about 30 before I bought the cheapest I could find!

That was testing enough....but then my darling little cherub of a daughter (let me tell you....she is so lucky my maternal instincts are intact....just!) asks if we can go into NEXT? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! "Oh please" I beg "Not NEXT....Not during sale time" but she really absolutely definately no two ways about it... must spend her christmas gift card, today. I even offer her more than the face value of her card to not go today......but no...... I agree. (I am still fighting off a stinker of a cold, hot and bothered, don't like crowds blah blah....) and in we go. My 9 yr old, 4 yr old, hubby and I.

What an experience.....and I don't mean the crowds or any of the sort of stuff you would expect me to say....My 4 yr old is a natural sale shopper!!! (def don't get it from me!!!!!) You should have seen her go! She rummaged through the sale rails looking for things with an age 5 tag on it, pulling it out, checking it out and literally discarding it on the floor if she didn't like it! Her poor harassed mother put them all back! She picked out some very suitable items and handed them to the carthorse (me of course)

I can't stop here...sorry....I have to get this all out! Hubby then decided he would like a xmas pud. FFS! Every year I buy pud and every year it is only me who eats it. So this year, I don't buy one! I meekly follow him into the throng that is more commonly known as M&S looking for 1/2 price puds! I come out having spent £26.:ohmy:

I am coming to the end of my rant. I can't stand this time of year! I am so sorry to be bah humbug and all but It is not so much the Christmas I hate, just this bit in between. I long for normaility when I can go into shops without it being like a perpetual weekend. Or I could long to be the kind of person who enjoys shopping at busy times:shrug:

Ebeneezer Happyone:winks:


27-12-07, 16:26
Hi Happyone,

And seasons greetings to you too...!!!

With regards to your daughter's behaviour...I blame the parents.
With regards to your husband...I blame the wife.
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Best wishes,

27-12-07, 16:38
LOL Chalky!
That made me smile at least!:yesyes:


27-12-07, 16:49
Oh Happy :hugs: that post made me giggle hun lol. Have a big hug from me :hugs: and mind and not choke on all them xmas puds lololol. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

27-12-07, 17:49
Roll on Summer, eh :winks:

27-12-07, 18:11
Roll on Summer, eh :winks:
Kate hun, right now I would settle for 7th January:yesyes: LOL!


27-12-07, 18:22
Awww Happy mate :hugs:

It will all be over soon - well until Easter anyway :sofa:

You write so descriptively, I actually felt like I'd been there with you - and I did not enjoy it either lol.

As far as I am concerned Xmas is over now, but as you say the shops are still mad etc. I had to go to the shops yesterday as I had been too ill to buy much food before Christmas and everything was running out. Local supermarket was shut so I drove to a local and very picturesque village - no cars on the roads hardly (bliss), I pulled up right outside the little shop and went in, there were 3 people in front of me but I can cope with that lol. Best shut up before you hate me for having such an easy shopping experience! lol

I hope you all feel better soon and that you have a few peaceful and relaxing days now :hugs:

Love Lisa x

27-12-07, 19:08
That post made me laugh and I could see the l ittle one rummaging through the clothes lol.

People are so disgusting when it comes to this time of year - especially with the sales on. The Next sale is ALWAYS a complete nightmare - people pushing and shoving ---- ooh no I couldn't handle it this year. Let em have it all I say - I don't want it!!!!

Happy one you did marvellously to cope so well under all that stress - I am assuming you are a fellow panic attack sufferer. Anyway, well done to you and thank you for a very amusing post.

27-12-07, 23:29

Well, your dislike of this time of the year has certainly brought a smile to my face happyone:yesyes: !!

I reckon all hubbies are inter-related and pre-programmed with 'I-must-be-terrifically-irritating-especially-at-this-time-of-the-year' software I wonder?:shrug:

My mother's Christmas present (digital photo frame) has to go back - went to upload some pics on it and wrap it day before Christmas Eve to find....nothing worked! And to add insult to injury, I found out then that dahling hubby had bought it off eBay.......BACK IN APRIL........and it had come all the way from.....HONG KONG.......:mad: :mad: :mad: :ohmy: !!!

He's just emailed the seller and guess wot?? The email has bounced back....addressee not known.....why does this not surprise me???!!!!!:shades:

I really, reeeeeally feel for you mate!

Happy New Year!! http://iesmileys.com/img/party/iesmileys1467.gif (http://iesmileys.com)

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: