View Full Version : Fear that legs will stop working

28-12-07, 00:23
ok, this is the story.
a while back on the tv show neighbours there was an episode where this guy fraiser was in a car crash.. he hurt his back and couldnt walk! but then about a month later he went back to the doctors for a back scan and the doctors said that there was no reason for him not being able to walk and they couldnt understand why he couldnt walk and told him it was all in his head. Eventually he was able to walk again.

So my fear now is 'what if' itold my self my legs wouldnt work and then they didnt work! and its not that i want to but i cant stop my head from saying ' your legs wont work' even though i really really really am so scared of this thought and the fact my head is saying that.

earlier this morning i was laying in bed and my head was saying your le wont move and i actually thought it wouldnt like it felt like it wouldnt but then i just did a quick movement and it did.

Im just really worried that my legs are going to stop working through thoughts my head is having. Everyone says thoughts cant hurt you but what if my head believes my legs wont work and then they dont:weep: im just so scared!

Thanks for listening
love lawzy

28-12-07, 00:31
This will just not happen, please try not to focus on yourself so much, easy to say I know cause I do exactly the same, but try to distract yourself.
You will be fine, dont worry.

28-12-07, 00:35
Hi Lawzy,

Thank you for your thread.

Neighbours is a work of fiction.

My brain has learnt to process thoughts in a certain way.Normally,this has involved worst-case scenarios as my first port of call.I have had to come to accept that this is so.The next step is for me to rationally analyze the thought not my initial perception of it.These two outcomes tend to be radically different.Accepting this allows me to dispense with the unhealthy thought.Constant practice has relieved of the vast majority of these unhealthy what-ifs.
I believe the same solution would be appropriate for you.
Best wishes,

Pink Princess
28-12-07, 09:58
hey lawzy xxxx

hugs for you xxxxxxxxx

your legs wont stop working - this is turning a thought into a belief. thoughts do hurt but try to ignore them and say " i'm not listening to you" fins somehting else to focus on for a while and take your mind off it xxxxxxxxxx

you'll be ok :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx