View Full Version : New years eve.

28-12-07, 00:58

As with the Xmas post. Can anyone tell me if they suffer with the same anxety with New years eve as withbuild up to Xmas. I feel more anxiety now than ever before. It could have something to do with fact that today is the aniversarry of my fathers heart attack. I feel unbelievably unhealthy at the moment and feel that if I do anything mildly strenous I might have a heart attack.

How's everyone else feel?


28-12-07, 09:47
Hi Mee, yes I hate New year I keep thinking that this may be the year that I die. My father died of a heart attack and his funeral was on xmas eve so I know how you feel. I am trying to look forward with hope it will soon be over and this to shall pass.:hugs:

Pink Princess
28-12-07, 09:50
hi mee,

i cant wait for the 31st decemeber to be honest, the way i look at it is a brand new year for a new start. think of all the things you want to achieve and write them down and tell yourself you will do them. thats what i do xxx

28-12-07, 11:07
Hi Mee :hugs: I would have to say I agree with Pink Princess on this one a New Year a new start :hugs: xxx

28-12-07, 17:43
I thought I was the only one with New Year's anx. I don't do so well with anticipation especially watching the countdown on TV and ever since I was a kid I've had a jolt of 'WHAT IF' every time that clock hit 12. But last year I had a long panic a few hours before hand and I was quite fine at night.

Now I can't stop thinking that I'm going to be anxious until Jan. and I'm trying to ignore these thoughts and feelings.

28-12-07, 18:20
firstly, I am so sorry you lost your father, you too lesley.:hugs:
I suffer very badly from Hogmany anx. I feel sick every single year that it is upon us. All I really want to do is crawl into my bed and pull the duvet up over my head and not come out until the second.
Mines comes from unhappy childhood memories and I HATE the fact that no one around me understands my utter dislike of new year and expects me to get into a party spirit when all I want to do is shut out memories that I would rather not invoke.
If I was to tell people that I had terrible memories of the 14th September, or 21st October etc everyone would understand that I might not be fun to be around and would accept that I just wanted to go to my bed, but no one does cos it is PARTY time!
sorry.....bit of a rant there but it certainly rings true with me too.
I HAVE tried to change my view of it, but I just can't manage. I am so happy for everyone else around to go on with their partying, but to please please please leave me out!

28-12-07, 18:57
i too hate new years eve...
i get so anxious even now i cant wait for it all to be over, i dont think ive ever had one good new years eve,
im not sure why this is but there are some not nice memories along the way.
this year i am hoping for a much better year and was looking forward to it but as it comes closer the more anxious i feel...
so you are not alone...
but hang on in there not long now and it will all be over

29-12-07, 17:44
Thanx Everyone

I don't feel so isolated now. I said to my wife, "lets go away for the new year", to the coast or something nice and relaxing. She cannot understand how I feel and thinks that we should drink and be with a crowd of people. I just fancy a nice quiet ffamily new years eve. A few fireworks may be! Just writing about it has sent my anx through the roof. I think it is all about anticipatory anxiety.

I too will feel good on new years day. Lets get it over.

Love to all


29-12-07, 18:03
I've never felt too good about new year. I tend to sit there at midnight wondering what I did with my life in the past year.

But this time, I am going to turn that on its head and think of all the things I'm going to do with my life in the year to come. I feel more positive as I know what I want to achieve so my year will be about working on certain things and trying not to dwell on the year gone by.

Look after yourselves at new year. Just another excuse for people to go out and drink (I sound so old!)


29-12-07, 18:17
I hate new years also, why I don't know, Maybe its because the one evening of the year when you just have to be happy, theres so much pressure around it. Did anyone see "Grumpy New Year" on BBC 2 lastnight? It summed me up nicely. This year I am on my lonesum as the wife is going to a party, I was invited but have decided not to go as it was a disaster last year, people standing around with fake smiles making small talk which I can't do, add to that i've gave up alcohol so I think I'm doing the wise thing by not going, and HOPEFULLY I'll be asleep by midnight

30-12-07, 14:03
Sorry to hear about your Father.

I think thats a lovely idea to get away to the coast or something peaceful.

I hate New Years Eve to I much prefer peace! I prefer to stay in with the puss cats:hugs: there are far too many people out and about for me! Makes me very anxious!

I don't mind New Years Day it's just New Years Eve i don't like.

Take Care and have a Happy New Year what ever you do.

Love & Wishes.

Pip's X