View Full Version : hi all! im brand new!

28-12-07, 10:40
hi there,

im becki, im 22 years old. i live with my partner of 4 years called stu and we have a 23 month old son called ben. we have been ttc for a year now for baby number 2.

in the last six months i have been backwards and forwards to the doctors with many symptoms, im convinced there is something wrong with me.
my symptoms come and go, and today i am experiencing them all.

shortness of breath, well no breath at all really its a real struggle to breath.
achy pain down left arm and through the left side of my chest.
i have no appetite or libido (which is not helpful when trying for a baby!)
im so terrified of death, of leaving my son. im convinced im going to having a heart attack at any time, so much so that the merest mention of a heart attack on the tv/radio means i switch over. im also convinced that i have lung cancer and that is why i keep getting sharp pains in my lungs. i cant sleep, i cry all the time and i cant make anyone listen to me.

i feel i am wastin everyones time. sometimes i feel fine and i have absolutely no symptoms at all, but then i get days like today and quite frankly im petrified.

sorry for the massive ramble.

take care all


28-12-07, 11:00
Hello becki:welcome: to you!

Seems you're really going through it at the moment - so have a hug :hugs: !

You're not wasting anybody's time - and it helps to write things down and share with others who have similar experiences and difficulties. Have a browse through the links on the left of this page - there's some very good information, advice and personal stories that should help.

Don't despair - You'll find plenty of help and support here, and no doubt make some new friends!

Pleased to meet you!


Fall Out Boy
28-12-07, 11:56
welcome to no more panic, from:


28-12-07, 14:48
Hi Becki,

Welcome to NMP.

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

You are most definitely NOT wasting anyone's time here!
You will get loads of helpful support and advice here.
Best wishes,

28-12-07, 14:51
hi becki

welcome to nmp

love dawny x

Little Soooz
28-12-07, 18:03
Hi Becki

Im new on here too and I feel just like you, worried about lots of symptoms and health problems.
I joined yesterday and I have read through lots of the messages and posts on here about health anxiety, these made me feel a lot better already, I think you should read the health anxiety pages, about heart attacks and cancer, they seem to be quite common things to worry about and it should make you feel a little better at least to know that most of your pains and symptoms are to do with the panic and anxiety rather than the serious things you are worrying about
As for people not listening to you, I am sure there are many people on here who you will be able to talk to and who will understand just what you are goin through, but what does your partner say?, does he try to help you?, I think you should try to talk to him seriously about it he doesnt. when i first started to panic my boyfriend didnt take it too seriously but once id explained how i felt he realised i needed his support and now he always tries to help me out, i think its definatly worth a try
i hope you are feeling better soon :D

Suzi xx

28-12-07, 18:12
hi Becky,

welcome to NMP.

we have all experienced similar things to what you are describing and they all sound like typical anxiety symptoms.

if your worried about anything, i mean anything, just post on the forum or go into the chat room and somebody will always try and help you, you are not alone in what you are feeling

take care

ruth :hugs:

28-12-07, 18:33
Hi Becki

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


28-12-07, 21:47
Hi Becki and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. The information found on the links to the left might help reassure you that your symptoms aren't serious. For example, the pain in your lungs might actually be tension in your chest muscles because of stress.

Take care,

Mike :)

28-12-07, 22:19
Hi Becky,

I feel this way too when I'm having a bad day!!! I had a horrific night last night and only starting to get back to normal toda.. but last night I had the terror etc and had my nurse cousin on the texts... afterwards I just felt HORRIBLE for involving her.... but today??? nope... she got me through it, and so is this website!!!
Please, I know it's hard to swallow, but please don't feel like your wasting anyone's time... my line to my 2 gurls I text at my time of need is "Sorry for being such an annoyance" and my reply from them is "Stop it, you're not!! Are you ok?"

I think this is the place where you certainly will not be wasting anyone's time!!

Big Hugs & tell you what.... Im totally new to this too.. so if you post a thread everytime you need to then I will too!!


28-12-07, 22:51
Hi Becki,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

29-12-07, 11:17
thankyou so much for all your kind replies. just an update, i went to the docs yesterday to get the results of a chest xray i had a while back and it was clear. we spoke about anxiety and the doc made some suggestions surrounding work. and you know what, what she said made sense. i have decided to step down from the position i am in for a while. the way i have been feeling is not worth 36p extra an hour lol! i know full wellhat this will not be the end of it, but i think its a step in the right direction. and my partner came home yesterday to find me in the state i was in and instantly jumped on line and booked a holiday. we go on the 7th of jan. things just seem to be falling into place. the relief of finding a lovely group of people who understand what i am saying and make me feel like i am making sense and not just rambling along aimlessly is amazing. i thankyou for that.

here's to all of us for the new year.

love and best wishes everyone

take care

29-12-07, 15:32

29-12-07, 17:04
Hi Becki, a very warm welcome to you x

Take care

01-01-08, 11:50
a big warm welcome to you becki . i look frward to meeting you in the chat room if you pop in . hope you have a lovely holiday relax and enjoy it. best wishes for the new year. take care xxxxxx

01-01-08, 19:08
Hi Becki

I just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left as well for loads of tips and advice.

Hope we can be of some help.

01-01-08, 21:25
Hi Becki,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx