View Full Version : Is it still flu?

28-12-07, 13:52
I have had the flu bug, all symptoms have generally gone but I am still aching mainly in my legs, all over, sharp stabbing pains easing but generally aching and feeling like lead........... plus it feels achey at the lower part of my back, my wrists and hands hurts at times. My Mum was on the phone this am saying she feels achey, but I convincing myself that maybe I have the onset of MS, my legs feel almost numb althou I have been on the go, went out last night etc, still in control of the kiddies, etc........ now I am wondering if its something like septacemia, sorry for spelling. I have gone into complete neurotic mode. WOuld I know if it was? Should I go to the Doc? I have not been in bed ill, just getting on with it, but my mind is working over time, had to text my brother for reassurance yest which makes me feel so frustrated.
Is it still just the flu? It is as always not so bad when I am not focusing on it, but I feel so anxious, I have the whole sweaty palm thing and nervous tum.
Am I about to get seriously ill or am i being silly...... tell me the latter purleeaase, has anyone else haf flu like this lately????

28-12-07, 14:17
Hi There:D

It is the flu:yesyes:

The bug thats doing the rounds is absolutly rank!!!

You will feel better just give yourself time:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

28-12-07, 14:20
Sounds like the flu to me also, I had it about two weeks ago here. I am just starting to feel like myself again. It's bad this year all over from the sounds.

Take Care

28-12-07, 14:41
i am still recoverig afer 2 weeks of the flu, and not man flu, proper flu let me tell you! its yuk, just let it run its course and believe us or the anxiety will tell you otherwise!x

28-12-07, 15:12
Would I know if it was MS? My legs feel so heavy and sore. Keep checking them. thought it was my varicose veins to start with but they have not really changed at all. still as ugly as ever lol......... it just seems to be lasting so long, the cold etc has gone but the aches are there. even my wrists and fingers hurt...... am so tempted to go to the Docs but will have to fight for an appt for one thing and I feel silly for needing the reassuramce, I find it all so embarassin and frustrating.
even my buttocks ache. hahaha. If it was a blood clot it would not affect both legs I keep tellingmyself, but if it was MS maybe thats why my legs feel heavy? Would I knowif i had blood poisoning?!!! I feel completely lost in panic, got three little girls here being noisy and playful and feel in a panic!!!!!!! Thanks for your replies,helps reassure me. thanks guys, lots of love.

28-12-07, 16:33
I had flu a few years ago, never felt so ill in my life!

I had a temperature for nearly 2 weeks, was hallucinating so badly that I went to the doc's about it!

It actually took me a good month before I felt like eating and my aches and pains and general ill feeling finally went.

Real flu is absolutely nothing like a normal cold, it really takes it out of you so stop worrying!


28-12-07, 19:46
stop looking for other reasons to write another reply to what we are saying! you have had the flu, you will get better, and you will need to let it take the time needs to go! now i dont wanna see you on here again ok! lol big hugs.

28-12-07, 20:17
hahaha, that last reply made me chuckle. Thanks guys, lots of love to all.

30-12-07, 02:47
everyone is really suffering with the cold & flu this year.My doc reckons this has been the worst year for it cos of how damp it has been.Most peeps are taking about a month to get over it.I have been taking that Manuka honey with lemon & hot water which seems to help.

Snuggle up with a good video :yesyes:


30-12-07, 09:45
Hi, hope everyone gets better from their ailments soon. Was thinking I should buy some more Manuka Honey yesterday, trouble is, they only sell it in tesco for us and it is 5.95 a jar, have googled it wondering if there was a cheaper place to get it, lol, wishful thinking.
Hubby was not impressed when we bought some before, even tho I informed him it is equivalent to two pints of beer!!
Still aching. Not having a great time emotionally. Been in that neuotic panicky state for last while. Went to the inlaws yest and was rather tense there all afternnon, esp as there were people visiting with a staffordshire terrier who was doing those head bowed, low growling behaviours toward my three yr old. Altho the owners assured me she would not actually bite, there is no way you can teach a three yr old the possible ouotcomes of going near a dog like this, and I was llike a cat on a hot tin roof, wonderin why everyone was so blaze about the situation and wondering too why the dog was not put in a separate room. Was a nervous wreck by time I got home, having had a go at my husband on way for being so laid back about it too..... plus the day before yest I went to visit my friend when her five yr old had answered the phone to me, finding her ill on sofa, had to call an ambulance and she spent day and night in Hosp having brain scan.....scary stuff and I could not get hold of her yest to see if she was home so my mind was working overtime.
Needless to say when I flopped onto sofa I ate some crisps and then imagined I was going into anaphylatic shock type scenario...... breathing changed, throat felt like it was closing up, was sick twice, and spent the next two hours in sheer panic. First time in a long time I have had full blown panic attack. Fed up with not feeling on top form, three kiddies, and all the stuff that goes on here too with step parent tension..... wish we could all have a break from it. Could cry with frustration about last night, feel so embarrased and annoyed. throat still feels odd, tight, this morning but I expect its from all the wretching.
My friend is waiting for a second MRI scan, and there is me, seemingly perfectly healthy, worrying about my health. Feel so cross with myself.