View Full Version : Time of year, seasonal differences?

28-12-07, 16:50
Is there any time of year that folks out there find there health anxiety is worse? I find mine starts to get bad in the fall October and is worse through late December and starts to improve come March. I don't know if this is a sesonal effective influence caused by lack of light in these northern climates, or whether it is the start of the depressing snowy weather, or whether it might be caused by emotional leftovers regards fall i.e. - back to school / work, etc.. I just know I am running to see my Doctor more with pains and complaints through this fall winter period. What do others experience in this regard?


28-12-07, 17:55
i agree, i tend to get worse in the winter months. maybe the stress of xmas etc i dont know.


07-03-11, 15:15
I am exactly the same. Start to get worse late September through to about now! As mine seems to get worse each year (as I have a fear of old age) I am already dreading September even though I should be looking forward to the summer :-(

08-03-11, 00:16
I'm the same too - I found it that it gets worse during December when it's Xmas. Anxiety and excitement doesn't mix very well. But my anxiety gets worse before and during my periods. I am finding an improvement now, and I can't wait for summer to arrive as I can go out more and the sun always make me calm and relaxed. I went out twice in the sun during the weekend, it relaxed me and I could look around in the garden, seeing birds etc. Lovely, without people!

Starry xx