View Full Version : Hot flush ?

28-12-07, 18:39
Hi , just wanted to ask how can you tell if hormones are giving you hot flushes ? . This morning whilst eating my breakfast i had a really strong hot flush ,
just over my neck and head,, then 1 hour later it happened again :shrug:.

I thought maybe i was gonna go down with a cold or something but i was fine,
could this be my homones ? how would i know ?

thanks for reading

28-12-07, 18:49
Hi - how old are you? do you think you could be about the right age? Sometimes it might appear to be hormones, but if you also get the panicky bit could be adrenaline! However it does sound familiar - keep a note of when they happen, I decided against hormone replacement and went the route of Black Cohosh and St.Johns wort and my flushes subsided after about a month, felt ok after 6 months and stopped - not a good thing! hot flushes came back, took another month to stabilise on my dosage and then stayed on for the next six months and am now taking every 3rd day. I certainly now now the difference between anxiety/ hormone/ panic - took me sometime. But family all still alive!

28-12-07, 19:00
Hey Mirry, that sounds very similar to what I get. I tend to get mine about a week before my period is due so i know that mine is hormonal. Maybe keep a log of yours to see if there is a pattern.
All the best Love Matti x

28-12-07, 22:25
i am nearly 40 years old now :mad:is this a bit early for hot flushes ?,
i am in the middle of my cycle at the moment , but the past few months my cycle is all over the place.
I know it wasnt a panic attack or anxiety cos i was really calm when it happened , I will wait and see what happens next .

thanks for the help .

29-12-07, 08:30
Hi again

Ok so 40 is slightly young, but not to young, your homones are getting a bit skittish now, see how it goes with regards to the flushes and then in about 4-6 months ask your GP for a hormone level test. This is quite a normal test to have and it will give you an idea as to how they are behaving, if you are perimenapausal or not, also ask for a bone density scan as well. This will give you a 'Bench mark' as to the state of bones re: Osteoporosis. I wish all women around this age would have one done, need more info as to why - just contact.

29-12-07, 10:31
Hi Mirry - I( started my menopause at 38 same as my mum - started with hot flushes,sweats and crying a lot and forgetting things. I am now 47 and on HRT and still get the occasional hot flush - it seems to surge through you and then 5 minutes later Im cold!!!! Great being a woman - sometimes I wish hubby and me could swap for a day and then he would feel what I feel - tho he says he understands!!! Wenjoy xxx

29-12-07, 15:12
thats interesting wenjoy., because ive been crying alot for the past few months,, so the hot flushes can last many years then :ohmy:.
Today i havent had any :shrug: , does anyone know why we get them ?

is it a drop in eostrogen that causes them ?

29-12-07, 15:51
My Dr told me the menopause can last 8 years or so - its the hormones zipping about going up and down and the poor body is confused by it all - I must admit I feel icky a lot as well - sortof "green" like I used to feel on the pill and when pregnant with my 2 children. He said its hormonal and it will settle but to just get on with it. HRT has helped me a lot with the flushes but I find myself crying at the stupidest things like watching a spider spin a web = I get all soppy = or spilling a cup of tea on the kitchen floor!!! Anyhow - there are loads of alternative remedies out there and I am thinking of coming off HRT and trying something else!! Love Wenjoy xxx

29-12-07, 17:39
everything you said makes perfect sence to me and i can relate to the crying thing alot , my mother had the menopause at 47 years old , so maybe i am getting symptoms already .
But recently i had a hormone profile done and my doctor seemed to not want to discuss it properly , she just said , it suggests perimenopause.

take care


30-12-07, 08:38
Hi Mirry - Perimenopause is leading up to the actual menopause - perrimenopause can last years and the actual menopause is once all eggs are no longer being made by the body. I think the last few years with me the dr did a hormone test and said "ovarian failure" as I was only having periods every few months so maybe now I am peaking and near the end of it !!!!
Keep smiling and remember - we are all women and we are all strong because of what we go through (eg pmt,childbirth,menopause etc etc) Wenjoy xxx

30-12-07, 10:58
thats true , we are all strong for what we go thru ,

Ijust hate all the mood issues i have lately ,

lucky you being near the end of it , lol , I wish i was :hugs: .

take care:flowers: