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View Full Version : I am sick of sickness!

28-12-07, 19:57
Don't know where this fits in but it is anx related as you will see in time!
My big un took ill 13 days ago with a fever. She gets better, little un gets ill. Big un gets unwell again, I get unwell, little un gets more unwell. Christmas is blighted by me and big un being too ill for anything but hubby expecting us to be life and soul. Little un burns up another fever but hubby too drunk to take care of her, so I have to.
We all start to get better very slowly (snails pace) but hubby takes ill (well.....so he says but he is fit enough to work) Man flu or not, he can blooming look after himself BUT....I am at this pc and I can hear my little un coughing in her bed. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssse Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My anx has started! I can't cope with any more illness and from a selfish point of view too I can't stand the thought of her behaviour being affected tomorrow cos she has had a bad sleep and I can't cope with another broken nights sleep (hubby had me awake being restless through night) as her room is right next to mine.
I feel like I am on groundhog day and I can't stand another minute of it. I am so bloody selfish I know, I should be concerned about my little un and I am, but I feel fit to drop. My husband is working tonight and even having to stay up until 9pm til my big uns bedtime is a big major deal.
To top it all, my car is on the blink and it will be going nowhere far so I am stuck in this house unless my husband is here.
It has to end soon surely eh?

29-12-07, 00:27
Oh Darlin!!!
Sending super big ((((((HUGS))))))
at ya!!!
This won't last forever I promise!!!
I'd say start everyone on vitamin C to try and nip it before it comes round again!!
Will be thinkin positive for ya!!!

29-12-07, 01:12
Hi Happyone,

I do not believe Life is treating you fairly at the moment-given your last two threads.
I suggest you do the following:-

1.Divorce your husband.
2.Have your children adopted.
3.Find a toyboy lottery jackpot winner.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

If the above is not acceptable,I hope lots of hugs and understanding from the members of NMP will help.
You have a lot on your plate and hopefully you will see an improvement soon.
Hope the kids get well a.s.a.p.
Best wishes,

ps-Man flu is a world recognised serious illness!

29-12-07, 11:31
Hey hun, :hugs:

The kids will get better soon, kids cope better than we think. It will end soon. :hugs:

A good dose of some knock out cough syrup usually does the trick.

Just try to get a bit of kip when you can.

Jim :hugs:

29-12-07, 11:58
Drives you mad doesn't it :lac:

I remember when mine were little, daughter was 2 and caught chickenpox. The incubation period is 2 weeks and, with one day to go, my son came out in it as well. We didn't leave the house for about a month!

It will all soon get better, you will all recover and you will look back at just another phase in the bringing up children saga :D

Kate x

29-12-07, 12:06
You are not selfish you are a normal mother, who is feeling the same as any other woman would right now.
Sleep deprivation is the worst!!!!
It will pass though. xxxxxxxxxxx

29-12-07, 12:51
I remember when mine were little, daughter was 2 and caught chickenpox.

Reminds me of my chickenpox saga.

Our whole family was flying to Australia and we came out in it during the 24hr flight.:ohmy: Was a nightmare for my parents, but we made it.

Also another little story of that flight, was it was a terrible flight, really bad turbulance, which as a kid we loved. But another guy on the plane had a panic attack and feinted as we were taking off from Dubai and the crew thought he was having a heart attack. (Would probably be me these days!). My dad was a dentist and trained to deal with that sort of thing and he ran up the plane as it was taking off and gave the guy oxygen and we became the hero family of the flight. Got upgraded to club class and got every free gift they had. lol!

Honestly hun, you and the -un's will be fine. Get them into bed with you, cuddle up and have a good sleep if you can. Txt me if you need to hun. :hugs:


29-12-07, 14:18
Thanks folks,
little un was fine overnight. She is back to bouncing self today. She is even asking for food. Big un is fine too. I am still rather down but I have been forgetting to take my meds so it is a combination I think of the cold and that.
I am sooooooooooooooo longing for bedtime and hopefully I will be a bit better again tomorrow!

29-12-07, 15:22
Hi Happyone,

I am really proud of how hard you are fighting this!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

It will get better.
Best wishes,